유니티 튜토리얼 모아놓은 사이트(대박)
링크 : http://wlhermit.blog.me/220061141482
원본 링크 : http://darkgenesis.zenithmoon.com/so-you-want-to-be-a-unity3d-game-developer/
So you want to be a Unity3D game developer?
Unity3D has been making great strides of late, it’s has been one of the big go-to middleware engines for budding iOS and Android game developers and even expanded its reach to Web, Windows desktop and other platforms.
It’s recent Microsoft partnerships have also been making big waves and have spurred on its adoption, introducing both the Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 platforms and more recently with the announcement of Xbox One support, best of all it’s completely free for all Microsoft platforms.
Unity3D comes in three flavours:
Unity3D Trial
When you first download Unity3D and setup a new account you get access to all of Unities tools and accessories that are included in the Pro version for 30 days, after that it will revert to the Free version or you can pay for Pro.
Unity3D Free
As it says on the box, this is the default Free tier for Unity, you get access to the editor and all the basic features, however some advanced performance, profiling and graphics features are disabled. You can still make one heck of a game if you do it right and it’s perfect while you are learning Unity. But once your game gets beyond a certain size you may find the lack of the pro features limiting.
Unity3D Pro
Basically every tool and feature of Unity at your disposal including LOD support, texture batching, asset streaming, custom splash screens, 3D textures and HDR, the list goes on – see Unity Pro detail page for more details and a comparison of the Pro vs Free features.
So how to get started?
As with my Monster links post, I’ve compiled an extensive list of resources at your disposable on your Unity3D journey, split up in to sections to allow you to target what you need.
Beginner tutorials
- Best starting place for newbies – Unity3D’s own live training catalogue –http://unity3d.com/learn/live-training/archive
- Unity basics video series by Infinite Ammo –http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEEAEA1E6B11B4DAE
- UnityCG’s Unity3D crash course video series –http://cgcookie.com/unity/cgc-courses/crash-course-learn-unity/
- Another guide similar to this one – http://www.alabsoft.com/unity3d.shtml
- Now you’re thinking with components –http://gamedev.tutsplus.com/articles/glossary/unity-thinking-with-components
- Twexa have a new slow into for brand new Unity3D devs –http://twexa.com/
- 1 Game – 3 minutes, best into to Unity I’ve seen in a while –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i30menw6gvU
Intermediate tutorials
- Unity Gem’s breakdown series – http://unitygems.com/
- Make a 2D platformer in Unity3D (pre 4.3) –http://www.rocket5studios.com/tutorials/make-a-2d-game-in-unity3d-using-only-free-tools-part-1/
2D specific tutorials
- A nice easy look into Unity’s new 2D system –http://jessefreeman.com/game-dev/introduction-unitys-new-2d-workflow/
- Great view into 2D animation in Unity –http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/AlexRose/20130905/199662/Animation_in_2D_Unity_Games_InDepth_Starter_Guide.php
Project based training – learn by doing
- Unity’s own Project tutorials from beginner to advanced –http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects
- Walker boys studio projects –http://walkerboystudio.com/html/unity_training___free__.html
- Unity3D platformer starter kit (must read) –http://digitalerr0r.wordpress.com/2013/09/30/unity-game-starter-kit-for-windows-store-and-windows-phone-store-games/
- Catlike coding’s side scrolling runner tutorial –http://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/runner/
Video based tutorials
- Introduction to building games with Unity –http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Windows-Camp/Building-Windows-Games-with-Unity/Introduction-to-building-games-with-Unity
- Quill18’s game based video tutorials – http://quill18.com/unity_tutorials/
- CGVillage Unity3D tutorial videos – http://www.cg-village.com/unity-3d-game-engine-tutorials
- Making Mecanim compatible rigs in blender –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9iUm2llVPc&feature=youtu.be
- Mouse and touch behaviours plus more video tutorials –http://www.devination.com/
- How to Build games video series (recommended) –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIR4PYHfjys
- Unity 2D (in 3D, pre 4.3) game tutorial (beginner) –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZucUpZtg2U
- Unity3D basics video tutorial (V3) – but it’s the Tornado Twins, follow and see! (and if you have never heard of TT, they correct that immediately) –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wxe1IUu5QA&feature=relmfu
- The End to end RPG Unity tutorial –http://www.youtube.com/user/CodingMadeEasy?feature=watch
- Over 100 Unity training shorts, less of a learn Unity as more of a how to make this cool effect – http://www.youtube.com/user/JesseEtzler0
- Building a Better Shooter in Unity –http://fixbyproximity.com/2014/07/04/building-a-better-shooter-in-unity/
- 7 Minute Tutorial on making a Hover Car in unity3d –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B6ALcOX4b8
Unity3D component tutorials
- Unity3d’s own component tutorial videos –http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules
- Jesse Etzlers awesome Unity 101 series (1-100) –http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxLNqnnCshwlE0UebbpV_v8M4kcLhXEz9
- Jesse Etzlers awesome Unity 101 series (100-beyond) –http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxLNqnnCshwm9ayxqMpeWH4P1SLzrN92-
- Infinite Skills advanced series – http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtNErhYMkHnEqGtygzs_1qW_VNR1i9oIp
- Burgzergar arcades Hack and Slash series –http://www.burgzergarcade.com/hack-slash-rpg-unity3d-game-engine-tutorial
- Unity 101 series by Cracked Spoon – http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_N_IEJ7SLOr3k_cd2Zcx07NOTjd-OnCP
- Unity3D coroutines in detail –http://www.altdevblogaday.com/2011/07/07/unity3d-coroutines-in-detail/
Unity3D master sites – Unity training is just their thing
- Unity3D’s Unite conference recordings, a goldmine of beginner / intermediate / advanced stuff – http://unity3d.com/unite
- CGCookies Unity section – http://cgcookie.com/unity/
- Armed Unity forum, full of examples tutorials and q&A –http://armedunity.com/
- Unity3D student, full of help and challenges –http://www.unity3dstudent.com/
- Unity tutorials on the Tuts+ network – http://hub.tutsplus.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search%5Bkeywords%5D=unity&button=
Unity3D paid for training
- Unity Magic, training and assets for Unity3D –http://www.unitymagic.com/shop/en/
- Udemy’s Unity3D master class – https://www.udemy.com/unity-3d-master-class-game-development-for-beginners
- GameDev Academys Unity training offer –http://www.gamedevacademy.org/unity-training-anyone-can-learn-how-to-make-a-game/
- Design 3’s profession training services and videos –http://www.design3.com/
Scripting links and help
- Nick Gravelyn’s awesome Unity Toolbag crammed full of scripts - https://github.com/nickgravelyn/UnityToolbag
- Cat like codings scripting series – http://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/
- Creating graphics in Unity3D –http://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/graphs/
- How to make collidable curves – http://playmedusa.com/blog/how-to-create-collidable-curves-trail-lines-whatever-in-unity3d/
- Curve Rotating script for Unity3D by Fivearcher -http://pastebin.com/izFTvt4Z
- Move using a curve script by Fivearcher - http://pastebin.com/TFEL9MLg
- Scale by curve script by Fivearcher - http://pastebin.com/Bh6GVfEw
- Tiny tween lib for Unity3D and XNA by Nick Gravelyn –https://gist.github.com/nickgravelyn/4953988
- Unity scripts to charge a weapon – http://www.otakunozoku.com/unity-scripts-to-charge-up-a-weapon/
- Piracy prevention script for Unity3D –http://www.otakunozoku.com/unity3d-piracy-prevention/
- Changing script order execution dynamically –http://gamedevrant.blogspot.com.es/2013/07/unity3d-change-scripts-execution-order.html?m=1
- Dependency Injection with Unity – http://dwulf.com/2013/09/bottom-up-dependency-injection-in-unity3d/
- Goal Oriented Action Planning AI in Unity –https://github.com/sploreg/goap & Blog post http://t.co/NrnIg2HJIb
- Keeping the player inside the screen –http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/174958/keeping-the-player-inside-the-screen.html
- Huge collection of community scripts in one Reddit post –http://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/comments/24u3l1/a_collection_of_scripts_i_add_to_everything_i_make/
- How to Code HUD Cooldown Bars – http://t.co/Gu1NkybMVP
- Frustrated with unity3d‘s simplistic script defines interface, Here’s a little GUI for it – https://t.co/eAtEaLftTd
- Walk through of pausing your game without pausing - http://gamasutra.com/blogs/AdamWinkels/20140326/213972/Lovers_in_a_Dangerous_Spacetime_DevLog_9_Pausing_Without_Pausing.php
- Twitter API helper library - http://stevenyau.wordpress.com/2013/12/26/working-with-twitter-api-1-1-with-unity/
Design or 3D modelling help
- Game Design Tutorials – http://zooperstuff.com/game-design/game-design/game-design-tutorial-2-unity3d-blender-and-crazybump-level-up-literally/
Shader help and tutorials
- Prime31’s advanced shader series – http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb8LPjN5zpx1tauZfNE1cMIIPy15UlJNZ
- Retro flat shading by Kenneth Backus –http://dev.tutsplus.com/tutorials/go-beyond-retro-pixel-art-with-flat-shaded-3d-in-unity–gamedev-12259
- Selection of Shader tutorials by Kashif Riley –http://www.youtube.com/user/JamesRayder2020/videos
- Clifford M Roche walks through Unity debugging in MonoDevelop –http://www.cliffordroche.ca/monodevelop-4-xamarin-studio-debugging-in-unity/
- Shader help and free dissolve shader for Unity –http://kylehalladay.com/all/graphics/2013/09/22/Dissolve-Shaders.html
- HowTo create volumetric light in Unity Free –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4IlGqRl09M&feature=youtu.be
- Showing off the Shy Shaders –http://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/05/01/showing-off-the-shy-shaders/
- Replaced preprocessor in hlsl2glsl with a Mojoshader-based one. Fixes a bunch of stuff – https://t.co/Oeyo8kl29i
Performance and architecture
- Richard Fine on best practice –http://video.unity3d.com/video/4929984/luug-11-pt-2-of-4-
- C# Memory management by Wendelin Reich –http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/WendelinReich/20131109/203841/C_Memory_Management_for_Unity_Developers_part_1_of_3.php
- 4 ways to improve performance by Yorick –http://www.paladinstudios.com/2012/07/30/4-ways-to-increase-performance-of-your-unity-game/
- IOC containers in Unity3D – http://blog.sebaslab.com/ioc-container-for-unity3d-part-1/
- Top 5 tips for Unity3D development (must read) –http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/JohnWarner/20130910/194559/The_top_5_things_Ive_learned_as_a_Unity_developer.php
- A* the efficient way – http://unitygems.com/astar-1-journeys-start-single-step/
- Create a responsive UI with Unity3D – http://blog.sergeymohov.com/fully-responsive-user-interface-with-unity-gui/
- UNITY3D: IOS PERFORMANCE TIPS by @MVINetwork –http://www.kwalee.com/2012/11/23/unity-3d-ios-performance-tips/
- Optimisation for Unity – crucial stuff –http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/AmirFassihi/20130828/199134/0__60_fps_in_14_days_What_we_learned_trying_to_optimize_our_game_using_Unity3D.php
- On Hunting the Uncommon Elephant –http://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/04/22/on-hunting-the-uncommon-elephant/
- Build process automation for Unity3D –http://www.justapixel.co.uk/pipeline-automation/
- Focused article on mobile game optimisation in Unity - http://indiedevspot.azurewebsites.net/2014/03/12/optimizing-mobile-games-in-unity/
Platform specific
- Lee Stott’s getting started on Windows Phone with Unity –http://bit.ly/18vM2rx
- Deep dive: Tips & tricks for porting games from other platforms to Windows 8 – http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Windows-Camp/Building-Windows-Games-with-Unity/Deep-dive-Tips-tricks-for-porting-games-from-other-platforms-to-Windows-8
- End-to-End: Develop, debug and deploy a Unity game for the Windows Store – http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Windows-Camp/Building-Windows-Games-with-Unity/End-to-End-Develop-debug-and-deploy-a-Unity-game-for-the-Windows-Store
- Unity3D Custom Fog Shader on Windows Phone 8 –http://www.software7.com/blog/unity-custom-fog-shader-on-windows-phone-8/
- Profiler tips for WIndows 8 –http://www.markermetro.com/2013/07/technical/using-the-unity-profiler-for-performance-profiling-windows-store-apps-in-unity-4-2/
- Porting Tips and HowTo (plus code) for WP8 / Win8 –http://unity3d.com/pages/windows/porting
- Great post from Lee Stott about starting with Unity on Windows Phone –http://blogs.msdn.com/b/uk_faculty_connection/archive/2013/09/11/getting-started-building-windows-phone-games-with-unity.aspx
- Interesting series on tackling porting problems to Windows 8 for Unity - http://www.npruehs.de/tag/unity3d/
Animation and Mecanim
- CGCookie breakout course on Mecanim – http://cgcookie.com/unity/cgc-courses/crash-course-breakout-mecanim/
- Mecanim Animations walkthrough and more –http://blog.diabolicalgame.co.uk/2014/06/mecanim-animations.html (also check the rest of the blog for interesting Unity stuff)
Generic Tips and Tricks
- 50 Tips for working with Unity on DevMag –http://devmag.org.za/2012/07/12/50-tips-for-working-with-unity-best-practices/
- Common pitfalls with Unity on UnityGems –http://unitygems.com/mistakes1/
- Integrating Unity with WordPress – http://www.ana-todor.ro/integrating-unity-player-in-your-wordpress-blog/03/10/2012/
- How to dig holes in terrain –http://www.blog.radiator.debacle.us/2012/08/how-to-dig-holes-in-unity3d-terrains.html
- Adding AdMob to Unity –http://fastegggames.com/blog/2013/3/30/tutorial-admob
- AdRotator support for Unity3D – http://getadrotator.com/new-beta-for-adrotator-v1-integration-for-unity3d/
- how to create awesome terrains – http://www.bitsalive.com/how-to-create-awesome-terrains-in-unity/
- Unity3D & SQLite – http://wiseman-safiq.blogspot.co.uk/2010/11/unity-3d-sqlite-database-connection.html
- Creating destructables on GameDevTuts –http://gamedev.tutsplus.com/tutorials/implementation/how-to-make-an-object-shatter-into-smaller-fragments-in-unity/
- Using Free MoCap data in Unity3D –http://alastaira.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/using-free-mocap-data-for-game-character-animation-in-unity/
- Integration tips and tricks – http://sdkgame.com/blog/2013/9/9/our-favourite-unity-plugins
- Unity reference search engine – https://www.google.com/cse/home?cx=001712401338047450041:csfhqk-trfa
- Yet another Terrain tutorial –http://blogs.msdn.com/b/designmichel/archive/2012/09/24/the-3d-and-windows-8-unity-3d-4.aspx
- Using Unity with GIT source control –http://grapefruitgames.com/2013/04/22/unitygitpt1/
- Custom skydomes with Unity3D –http://rockandroald.net/wordpress/custom-skyboxes-and-cloud-domes-in-unity/
- Fake baking shadows for Unity3D –http://laboratoriesx86.wordpress.com/2013/04/17/fake-baked-shadow/
- Asset creation using MoDo, Substance and Unity3D –http://www.itsartmag.com/features/asset-creation-pipeline-using-modo-substance-and-unity/#.UoUNQ_lT5kG
- Integrating Google Analytics with Unity3D –http://g3zarstudios.com/blog/google-analytics-in-unity/
- HowTo: Showing gizmos, colliders and raycasts in play mode –http://imgur.com/ThYDmH8
- Another Tips and tricks site with animated gifs –http://tequibo.com/unity3d-tips/
- Massive collection of tips – regularly updated –http://unitytips.tumblr.com/
- Unity tips, tricks and tutorials collections –http://unitylinks.blogspot.co.uk/
- Unity3D Resumable Downloads – http://enva.to/1gATdIy
- Importing models with textures from Blender to Unity - http://bit.ly/VY9cHP
Multiplayer tutorials
- Online multiplayer by Paladin –http://www.paladinstudios.com/2013/07/10/how-to-create-an-online-multiplayer-game-with-unity/
- Rocket5 studio’s 2 player 2D platformer tutorial –http://www.rocket5studios.com/tutorials/skillswap-making-a-2-player-2d-game-with-unity/
- AppWarp and App42 integration –http://blogs.shephertz.com/2013/08/23/bridging-the-gap-plugin-for-unity-and-ios/
Music and Audio
- Managing music and audio with Unity3D –http://www.bitsalive.com/audio-manager/
Unity addons and engines
- Futile 2D framework for Unity3D (pre 4.3 or for 3D scenes) –http://struct.ca/futile/
- Cubiquity voxel (aka Minecraft) engine For Unity3D-http://www.volumesoffun.com/blog/
FFWD porting tool, create XNA games from Unity3D projects –https://github.com/fehaar/FFWD
- UnityVS getting started – http://edrivengui.com/getting-started-with-unityvs/
- Combining Pure Data with Unity3D –http://kylehalladay.com/all/blog/2013/11/10/Libpd-and-Unity.html
- Multi-Platform tool kit with Unity3D –http://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/07/18/tutorial-multiplatform-toolkit-by-owlchemy-labs/
Cloud and backend systems
- Using Cloud Services to make a Leaderboard for a Unity Game –http://blogs.msdn.com/b/uk_faculty_connection/archive/2014/04/01/using-cloud-services-to-make-a-leaderboard-for-a-unity-game.aspx
- BitRave direct link from above post – http://www.bitrave.com/azure-mobile-services-for-unity-3d/
- Awesome New Gaming backend platform with literally everything (based on Azure) – http://www.gamesparks.com/unity/
Help and forums
- Unity3D’s main forum, the main go to for Q&A –http://forum.unity3d.com/forum.php
- Unity3D students get help and get started resources –http://www.unity3dstudent.com/get-help/
- Unity3D Tips – twitter save feed for #Unity3DTips hashtags –http://mvinetwork.co.uk/unity3dtips/
- Unity Answers – Stack Overflow type forum –http://answers.unity3d.com/index.html
- Unity developers forums – http://unity.freeforums.org/index.php
- Unity official Wiki (Must see) –http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/Main_Page
Sample Projects
- Departure – Unity3D Game –http://unpolishedcreations.com/2014/07/06/departure-unity3d-game/
- Unity SHMUP template in JS and C# - http://davevoyles.azurewebsites.net/unity-shmup-template-js-c/
- Forrest map pack free –http://www.mediafire.com/download/s0c3i77e1471aa9/Forest+Map.zip
- Tons of free art – http://www.graphic-buffet.com/freebies/
- Book on creating assets for Unity –http://www.monroyasesores.com.mx/manager/uploads/pdf/0240815637Creating3D.pdf
- Huge collections of other links and tutorials –http://www.virtualgamelab.com/unity-resources.html
Other things to check
- Minecraft in Unity3D, one week programming challenge –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdwUkYrHosk
- Unity3D creative Magazine free issues – http://unity.freeforums.org/old-unity-creative-magazine-issues-for-free-t11.html
- Satellite Reign – Animation Pipeline walkthrough –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRqrGl308JY
- Interesting showroom of Unity Tech – http://www.passion47.com/our-work/unity-3d-show-room/
- Creating a Machinima game trailer with Unity3D –http://gamasutra.com/blogs/PeterCardwellGardner/20140527/218604/Creating_a_Machinima_game_trailer_with_Unity.php
- Ton of Unity3D posts and tutorials on AltDevBlog – http://www.altdev.co/?s=unity3d
- Interesting post about hidden features of unity3d 4.5 –http://t.co/8qbW7p2Ozd
On with the show
If you know of any other stella resources out there that will help out a new comer to Unity3D or a set of advanced tutorials and resources then be sure to comment below and I’ll add them in.
Like the other “Monster Set of Resources” post, I try to keep these up to date with new additions as I find them.
Party on.
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