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BBCode tags reference

Unity3D/Tips / 2015. 2. 8. 17:47

BBCode tags reference

In this section, a reference table for all of the more popular bbcode tags, is provided. Some are considered to be standard and should be supported in just about any bbcode implementation. Other are less likely to be supported, but nonetheless popular (hence the reason they've been included here).

Tags reference table

Bold[b]{text}[/b]Makes {text} boldBold example
Italic[i]{text}[/i]Makes {text} italicItalic example
Underline[u]{text}[/u]Underlines {text}Underline example
Line-through[s]{text}[/s]Create a line-through/strike through on {text}Line-through example
Font-size[size={number}]{text}[/size]Changes the font-size of {text}Font-size example
Font colour[color={colour}]{text}[/color]Changes the colour of {text}Font colour example
Center text[center]{text}[/center]Centers {text} on screenCenter text example
Quote[quote]{text}[/quote]Creates a quotation box containing {text}Quote example
Quote (named)[quote={name}]{text}[/quote]Creates a quotation box quoting {name} as saying {text}Quote (named) example
Link[url]{url}[/url]Makes a link to {url}Link example
Link (named)[url={url}]{text}[/url]Makes a named link to {url}Link (named) example
Image[img]{url}[/img]Shows the image indicated by {url}Image example
Image (resized)Full version: [img width={width} height={height} ...]{url}[/img]
Another variant (shorthand): [img={width}x{height}]{url}[/img]
Shows {url} image resized to {width} and {height}Image (resized) example
ListUnordered list: [ul]{items}[/ul]
Ordered list: [ol]{items}[/ol]
Another variant: [list]{items}[/list]
Displays a list of {items}List example
List item[li]{text}[/li]
Shorthand: [*]{text}\newline
Species an {item} within a listList item example
Code[code]{text}[/code]Renders the {text} while maintaing all white spacingCode example
Tables[table]{rows}[/table]Show a table with {rows} in itTables example
Table rows[tr]{cells}[/tr]Renders a table row containing {cells}Table rows example
Table content cellsHeading cell: [th]{content}[/th]
Content cell: [td]{content}[/td]
Shows {content} in a table (heading) cellTable content cells example
Youtube videos[youtube]{id}[/youtube]Shows the youtube video indicated by {id}Youtube videos example
Google videos[gvideo]{id}[/gvideo]Shows the google video indicated by {id}Google videos example

Something missing?

If you think that some tags are missing here, please do not hesitate to contact us!

BBCode examples

Go to the examples section to find many examples of how you can use these tags.

출처 : http://www.bbcode.org/reference.php

Posted by blueasa
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