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05-08 15:09

'2016/12/07'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2016.12.07 [펌] 반복문 유틸
  2. 2016.12.07 [펌] Loop Dictionary

[펌] 반복문 유틸

Programming/C# / 2016. 12. 7. 17:54
// 반복문 관련
    // For Array
    public static void ForToArray

(T[] pArray, Action pCallback) { if (null == pArray) return; if (null == pCallback) return; int iMaxCount = pArray.Length; for (int iLoop=0; iLoop < iMaxCount; ++iLoop) { pCallback(pArray[iLoop]); } } // For Enum public static void ForToEnum(Action pCallback) { var pEnumerator = Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).GetEnumerator(); while (pEnumerator.MoveNext()) { pCallback((T)pEnumerator.Current); } } // For List public static void ForToList(List pList, Action pCallback) { if (null == pList) return; if (null == pCallback) return; int iMaxCount = pList.Count; for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < iMaxCount; ++iLoop) { pCallback(pList[iLoop]); } } public static void ForToList(List pList, Func pCallback) { if (null == pList) return; if (null == pCallback) return; int iMaxCount = pList.Count; for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < iMaxCount; ++iLoop) { if (true == pCallback(pList[iLoop])) break; } } // For Dictionary public static void ForToDic(Dictionary pDic, Action pCallback) { if (null == pDic) return; if (null == pCallback) return; var pEnumerator = pDic.GetEnumerator(); while (pEnumerator.MoveNext()) { var kvp = pEnumerator.Current; pCallback(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } public static void ForToDic(Dictionary pDic, Func pCallback) { if (null == pDic) return; if (null == pCallback) return; var pEnumerator = pDic.GetEnumerator(); while (pEnumerator.MoveNext()) { var kvp = pEnumerator.Current; if (true == pCallback(kvp.Key, kvp.Value)) break; } } // For One public static void For(int iStartIndex, int iMaxIndex, Action pCallback) { for (int iLoop = iStartIndex; iLoop pCallback) { for (int iLoop = iStartIndex; iLoop < iMaxIndex; ++iLoop) { if (true == pCallback(iLoop)) break; } } // For Double public static void ForToDouble(int iMaxToFirst, int iMaxToSecond, Action pCallback) { for (int iLoop1 = 0; iLoop1 < iMaxToFirst; ++iLoop1) { for (int iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < iMaxToSecond; ++iLoop2) pCallback(iLoop1, iLoop2); } } public static void ForToDouble(int iMaxToFirst, int iMaxToSecond, Func pCallback) { for (int iLoop1 = 0; iLoop1 < iMaxToFirst; ++iLoop1) { for (int iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < iMaxToSecond; ++iLoop2) { if (true == pCallback(iLoop1, iLoop2)) return; } } } // Inverse For Double public static void ForInverseToDouble(int iMaxToFirst, int iMaxToSecond, Action pCallback) { for (int iLoop1 = iMaxToFirst; iLoop1 >= 0; --iLoop1) { for (int iLoop2 = iMaxToSecond; iLoop2 >= 0; --iLoop2) pCallback(iLoop1, iLoop2); } } public static void ForInverseToDouble(int iMaxToFirst, int iMaxToSecond, Func pCallback) { for (int iLoop1 = iMaxToFirst; iLoop1 >= 0; --iLoop1) { for (int iLoop2 = iMaxToSecond; iLoop2 >= 0; --iLoop2) { if (true == pCallback(iLoop1, iLoop2)) return; } } }

[출처] 이상호

Posted by blueasa
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[펌] Loop Dictionary

Programming/C# / 2016. 12. 7. 17:43
Code (CSharp):
  1. var enumerator = my_dictionary.GetEnumerator();
  2. while( enumerator.MoveNext() )
  3. {
  4.     // Access value with enumerator.Current.Value;
  5. }

[출처] https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/c-dictionary-loop.337804/

Posted by blueasa
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