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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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Unity Singleton

Unity3D/Script / 2014. 3. 24. 18:36
using UnityEngine;

public abstract class MonoSingleton<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoSingleton<T>
    protected static bool m_bDontDestroyOnLoad = true;
    private static bool m_bApplicationQuit = false;
    private static object InstanceLocker = new object();

    private static T m_Instance = null;
    public static T Instance
            if (true == m_bApplicationQuit)
                return null;

            lock (InstanceLocker)
                // Instance requiered for the first time, we look for it
                if (null == m_Instance)
                    T instance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(T)) as T;

                    // Object not found, we create a temporary one
                    if (instance == null)
                        instance = new GameObject(typeof(T).ToString()).AddComponent<T>();

                        // Problem during the creation, this should not happen
                        if (instance == null)
                            Debug.LogError("Problem during the creation of " + typeof(T).ToString());

                    if (instance != null)

                return m_Instance;

    private static void Initialize(T instance)
        if (m_Instance == null)
            var startTime = System.DateTime.Now;
            m_Instance = instance;

            // 씬 전환 시, 삭제시킬 싱글톤은 부모 객체에 안붙이도록..
            // 싱글톤 시작 시, m_bDontDestroyOnLoad 셋팅 필요.
            if (true == m_bDontDestroyOnLoad)
                GameObject goRoot = GameObject.Find("Singletons") as GameObject;
                if (null == goRoot)
                    goRoot = new GameObject("Singletons");
                    // DontDestroyOnLoad() 등록은 하위 상속받는 쪽에서 하도록 하는 게 나을까?
                m_Instance.transform.parent = goRoot.transform;

            var period = System.DateTime.Now - startTime;
            if (period.TotalSeconds > 1.0f)
                var name = m_Instance.ToString();
                Debug.LogWarning("Profile Warnning. Singletion {" + name + "} too long init time : " 
                                 + period.TotalSeconds.ToString("F") + "Seconds");
        else if (m_Instance != instance)

    private static void Destroyed(T instance)
        if (m_Instance == instance)
            m_Instance = null;

    public void CreateSingleton() { }
    // [Warning] GameObject에 Component로 미리 등록된 상태에서는 OnInitialize() 호출 안됨.
    public virtual void OnInitialize() { }
    // [Warning] GameObject에 Component로 미리 등록된 상태에서는 OnFinalize() 호출 안됨.
    public virtual void OnFinalize() { }
    protected virtual void CheckDontDestroyOnLoad() { }

    private void Awake()
        Initialize(this as T);

    void OnDestroy()
        Destroyed(this as T);

    private void OnApplicationQuit()
        m_bApplicationQuit = true;
        Destroyed(this as T);

Posted by blueasa
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