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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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Jenkins에서 두 브랜치를 매일 자동으로 Merge 하려고 찾아보면서 삽질하고 정리해 둠.

shall script로 해야되는건가 했는데 의외로 Jenkins에 관련 메뉴가 다 있는 것 같다.

Jenkins 메뉴로 git merge(소스 코드 관리-Merge before build 메뉴) 하고, git origin에 push(빌드 후 조치-Git Publisher 메뉴)까지 처리함.




To implement this task you can follow the below given steps.

  • Set your GitHub repo with credentials.



  • After that you have to set your branch name to merge. Go to source code management->Additional Behaviours->Merge before build.



  • Set your user name and user email. Go to source code management->Additional Behaviours->Custom user name and email.



Now your job is ready to merge your branch. You can also go through the below GitHub link to get more information.



GitHub - nadim70/Newproject

Contribute to nadim70/Newproject development by creating an account on GitHub.




[출처] https://www.edureka.co/community/68544/how-to-merge-two-branch-in-github-using-jenkins


How to merge two branch in GitHub using jenkins

Hi Everyone, I want to merge two branch in GitHub using jenkins. But I am not able to do this task. Can anyone help me to implement this task?



[참조] https://osc131.tistory.com/89


[jenkins] GIT Publisher

[jenkins] GIT Publisher 작성일자 : 2018년 10월 20일환경 : Jenkins 2.129, JDK 1.8.0_101목표 : Jenkins Build 작업 진행 후 Build에 사용됐던 GIT 버전을 Tags로 저장 ( 일종의 백업 ) * Jenkins - Git 연동 설정 및 GIT Plugin 설



Posted by blueasa
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