Failed to look up symbolic reference at 0x10dc0191f - offset 796625 - symbol symbolic _____Sg 14MarketplaceKit14AppDistributorO in /private/var/folders/zh/ln0rqwm94499jwvk1x_hl5r00000gp/X/XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/d/Wrapper/
2) AppsFlyer도 이번에 버전업(6.13.0) 해서 보니, GDPR 관련 설정 옵션(AppsFlyerConsent 클래스가 생김)이 생겼다.
아래 예시와 같이 GDPR 정보 셋팅 후, AppsFlyer를 Initialize 하라고 한다.
// If the user is subject to GDPR - collect the consent data
// or retrieve it from the storage
// Set the consent data to the SDK:
AppsFlyerConsent consent = AppsFlyerConsent.ForGDPRUser(true, true);
GDPR 테스트 관련 소스가 들어있는데, Test Device Hashed Id를 넣으라고 돼있고, 실행해보면 Logcat에 뜬다고 돼 있는데 안떠서 찾아보니 아래와 같은 내용이 있다.
(난 현재 테스트 폰이 API 30이 안돼서 Test Device Hashed Id는 안넣어도 되는 것 같다.)
I also struggled with the same problem. The reason NOT_REQUIRED is always returned is that the test device ID has not been registered. DebugGeography does not apply to non-test devices. In my case, even if it is a basic Android emulator, I had to register the test device ID to resolve this issue. Your emulator's device ID is displayed in logcat as follows when ConsentInformation.requestConsentInfoUpdate is called.
Use new ConsentDebugSettings.Builder().addTestDeviceHashedId("xxxxxxxxx") to set this as a debug device.
EDIT:I did more tests. It requires a test device ID since Android API 30. Until API 29, it is not necessary to specify the test device ID. I'm not sure if this is only for my development environment.
[GoogleMobileAdsManager에 추가된 GDPR/IDFA(ATT) 관련 UMP 소스]
using GoogleMobileAds.Ump.Api;
#region UMP(User Messaging Platform)
/// <summary>
/// Privacy(GDPR) 요청
/// Ensures that privacy and consent information is up to date.
/// </summary>
public void InitializeGoogleMobileAdsConsent()
// Test GDPR
///Request Consent Information
///Warning: Ads can be preloaded by the Google Mobile Ads SDK or mediation partner SDKs
///upon calling MobileAds.Initialize(). If you need to obtain consent from users in the European Economic Area (EEA), set any request-specific flags, such as tagForChildDirectedTreatment or tag_for_under_age_of_consent, or otherwise take action before loading ads.
///Ensure you do this before initializing the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
void RequestConsentInfo()
Debug.Log("[UMP] RequestConsentInfo()");
// Set tag for under age of consent.
// Here false means users are not under age of consent.
ConsentRequestParameters request = new ConsentRequestParameters
TagForUnderAgeOfConsent = false,
//ConsentDebugSettings = new ConsentDebugSettings
// // For debugging consent settings by geography.
// DebugGeography = DebugGeography.Disabled,
// //
// TestDeviceHashedIds = TestDeviceIds,
// Check the current consent information status.
ConsentInformation.Update(request, OnConsentInfoUpdated);
void OnConsentInfoUpdated(FormError consentError)
if (consentError != null)
// Handle the error.
UnityEngine.Debug.LogErrorFormat("[UMP][OnConsentInfoUpdated] {0}", consentError);
// UMP 동의 Error 시에도 초기화 진행[blueasa / 2024-03-15]
UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("Google Mobile Ads consent updated: {0}", ConsentInformation.ConsentStatus);
// If the error is null, the consent information state was updated.
// You are now ready to check if a form is available.
ConsentForm.LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired((FormError formError) =>
if (formError != null)
// Consent gathering failed.
UnityEngine.Debug.LogErrorFormat("[UMP][LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired] {0}", consentError);
// UMP 동의 Error 시에도 초기화 진행[blueasa / 2024-03-15]
// Consent has been gathered.
if (ConsentInformation.CanRequestAds())
// UMP 동의 이후 GoogleMobileAds 초기화[blueasa / 2023-12-14]
/// <summary>
/// Privacy(GDPR) Button 활성화 여부 체크
/// (설정 창에 버튼 추가함)
/// </summary>
public bool CheckActivePrivacyButton()
bool bActive = false;
// EU인지 여부에 따라 버튼 활성화 체크 필요
#region ConsentInformation.PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus && AuthorizationTrackingStatus
bActive = IsPrivacyOptionsRequirement() && IsAuthorizationTracking(); // Privacy && ATT 동의 체크
//bActive = IsPrivacyOptionsRequirement(); // Privacy만 체크
#region ConsentInformation.ConsentStatus
//bActive = IsConsentForGDPR();
return bActive;
/// <summary>
/// 개인정보 보호 옵션을 표시해야 하는지 여부
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsPrivacyOptionsRequirement()
// [에디터] 무조건 비활성화 처리[blueasa / 2024-02-27]
return false;
// [PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus enum 참조]
//public enum PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus
// Unknown,
// NotRequired,
// Required
bool bIsPrivacyOptionsRequirement = false;
// 개인정보 보호 옵션을 표시해야 하는지 여부
switch (ConsentInformation.PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus)
// 개인정보 보호 옵션이 표시되어야 함.
case PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus.Required:
bIsPrivacyOptionsRequirement = true;
// 개인정보 보호 옵션은 표시할 필요가 없음.
case PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus.NotRequired:
bIsPrivacyOptionsRequirement = false;
// 개인 정보 보호 옵션 요구 사항 상태를 알 수 없음.
case PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus.Unknown:
bIsPrivacyOptionsRequirement = false;
bIsPrivacyOptionsRequirement = false;
Debug.LogWarningFormat("[PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus] {0}", ConsentInformation.PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus);
return bIsPrivacyOptionsRequirement;
public bool IsConsentForGDPR()
// [ConsentStatus enum 참조]
// Unknown = 0, // Unknown consent status.
// NotRequired = 1, // Consent not required.
// Required = 2, // User consent required but not yet obtained.
// Obtained = 3 // User consent obtained, personalized vs non-personalized undefined.
bool bIsConsentForGDPR = false;
switch (ConsentInformation.ConsentStatus)
case ConsentStatus.Unknown: // 동의 상태를 알 수 없습니다.
case ConsentStatus.Required: // 사용자 동의가 필요하지만 아직 획득되지 않았습니다.
case ConsentStatus.NotRequired: // 동의가 필요하지 않습니다.
bIsConsentForGDPR = false;
case ConsentStatus.Obtained: // 사용자 동의 획득, 개인화 및 비개인화 정의되지 않음.
bIsConsentForGDPR = true;
Debug.LogWarningFormat("[ConsentStatus] {0}", ConsentInformation.ConsentStatus);
return bIsConsentForGDPR;
bool HasConsentFor(string strKey)
// Example value: "1111111111"
string strPurpose = ApplicationPreferences.GetString(strKey);
// Purposes are zero-indexed. Index 0 contains information about Purpose 1.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPurpose))
char cOneString = strPurpose[0];
bool bHasConsentForOne = (cOneString == '1');
return bHasConsentForOne;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Consent For GDPR
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool HasConsentForPurpose()
return HasConsentFor("IABTCF_PurposeConsents");
//// Example value: "1111111111"
//string purposeConsents = ApplicationPreferences.GetString("IABTCF_PurposeConsents");
//// Purposes are zero-indexed. Index 0 contains information about Purpose 1.
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(purposeConsents))
// char purposeOneString = purposeConsents[0];
// bool hasConsentForPurposeOne = (purposeOneString == '1');
// return hasConsentForPurposeOne;
//return false;
/// <summary>
/// Consent For Ads Personalization
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool HasConsentForVendor()
return HasConsentFor("IABTCF_VendorConsents");
//// Example value: "1111111111"
//string vendorConsents = ApplicationPreferences.GetString("IABTCF_VendorConsents");
//// Purposes are zero-indexed. Index 0 contains information about Purpose 1.
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorConsents))
// char purposeOneString = vendorConsents[0];
// bool hasConsentForVendorOne = (purposeOneString == '1');
// return hasConsentForVendorOne;
//return false;
/// <summary>
/// Privacy(GDPR) Button 클릭해서 GDPR 동의 창 띄우기
/// </summary>
public void OnClickPrivacyButton()
void PrivacyButton()
//// Enable the privacy settings button.
//if (_privacyButton != null)
// _privacyButton.onClick.AddListener(UpdatePrivacyButton);
// // Disable the privacy settings button by default.
// _privacyButton.interactable = false;
private void UpdatePrivacyButton()
// Logic for updating privacy options
ShowPrivacyOptionsForm(); // You might want to call your method to show the privacy options form here
Debug.LogFormat("[UMP][UpdatePrivacyButton] Privacy button clicked!");
/// <summary>
/// Shows the privacy options form to the user.
/// </summary>
public void ShowPrivacyOptionsForm()
Debug.Log("[UMP] Showing privacy options form.");
// PrivacyOptionsForm 무조건 팝업으로 변경[blueasa / 2023-12-14]
ConsentForm.ShowPrivacyOptionsForm((FormError showError) =>
//ConsentForm.LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired((FormError showError) =>
if (showError != null)
Debug.LogErrorFormat("[UMP][LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired] Error showing privacy options form with error: {0}", showError.Message);
// 버튼 상태 갱신(필요하면)
// Enable the privacy settings button.
//if (_privacyButton != null)
// _privacyButton.interactable =
// ConsentInformation.PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus ==
// PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus.Required;
void GDPRDebugger()
Debug.Log("[UMP] GDPRDebugger()");
///Use this for debugging
// Define the test device ID for debugging
string testDeviceHashedId = "0B030C0B27FA3A0A7FCF5766D3BBBA1A"; // Replace with your actual test device ID
// Create debug settings for consent testing
var debugSettings = new ConsentDebugSettings
TestDeviceHashedIds = new List<string>
// Set the debug geography for testing in the EEA
debugSettings.DebugGeography = DebugGeography.EEA;
Debug.Log("[UMP] GDPRDebugger Set : DebugGeography.EEA");
// Set tag for under the age of consent.
// Here false means users are not under the age of consent.
ConsentRequestParameters request = new ConsentRequestParameters
TagForUnderAgeOfConsent = false,
ConsentDebugSettings = debugSettings,
// Check the current consent information status.
ConsentInformation.Update(request, OnConsentInfoUpdated);
/// <summary>
/// Request ATT(IDFA)
/// [Package] iOS 14 Advertising Support v1.0.0
/// </summary>
public void RequestAuthorizationTracking()
Debug.Log("Unity iOS Support: Requesting iOS App Tracking Transparency native dialog.");
var status = Unity.Advertisement.IosSupport.ATTrackingStatusBinding.GetAuthorizationTrackingStatus();
Debug.LogWarningFormat("[RequestAuthorizationTracking-AuthorizationTrackingStatus] {0}", status);
// 결정되지 않은 상태일 때만 체크 및 요청
if (status == Unity.Advertisement.IosSupport.ATTrackingStatusBinding.AuthorizationTrackingStatus.NOT_DETERMINED)
bool bNeedRequest = false;
if (false == CurrentGDPR.IsGDPR())
// [Non EEA] ATT 동의 요청
bNeedRequest = true;
// [EEA]
if (true == CurrentGDPR.IsPurposeConsents())
// [GDPR 동의] ATT 동의 요청
bNeedRequest = true;
// [GDPR 비동의] ATT 동의 체크가 필요없음
bNeedRequest = false;
// ATT 동의 요청 필요
if (true == bNeedRequest)
Debug.LogWarning("Unity iOS Support: Tried to request iOS App Tracking Transparency native dialog, " +
"but the current platform is not iOS.");
/// <summary>
/// ATT 동의 여부
/// </summary>
/// <returns>동의 여부</returns>
public bool IsAuthorizationTracking()
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
var status = Unity.Advertisement.IosSupport.ATTrackingStatusBinding.GetAuthorizationTrackingStatus();
Debug.LogWarningFormat("[AuthorizationTrackingStatus] {0}", status);
case Unity.Advertisement.IosSupport.ATTrackingStatusBinding.AuthorizationTrackingStatus.NOT_DETERMINED: // 결정되지 않음
case Unity.Advertisement.IosSupport.ATTrackingStatusBinding.AuthorizationTrackingStatus.RESTRICTED: // 액세스 권한이 제한된 상태
case Unity.Advertisement.IosSupport.ATTrackingStatusBinding.AuthorizationTrackingStatus.DENIED: // 거부됨
return false;
case Unity.Advertisement.IosSupport.ATTrackingStatusBinding.AuthorizationTrackingStatus.AUTHORIZED: // 동의함
return true;
return false;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Linq;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;
public static class CurrentGDPR
private static bool _isGdprOn;
private static string _purposeConsent, _vendorConsent, _vendorLi, _purposeLi, _partnerConsent;
static CurrentGDPR()
// 원하는 시점에 Init하도록 변경[blueasa / 2024-03-21]
public static void InitData()
int gdprNum = 0;
// IABTCF_* 관련 항목 설명
// [참조]
// GoogleMobileAds 8.7.0에서 ApplicationPreferences 추가됨
// [참고]
// [참고]
gdprNum = ApplicationPreferences.GetInt("IABTCF_gdprApplies");
_purposeConsent = ApplicationPreferences.GetString("IABTCF_PurposeConsents");
_vendorConsent = ApplicationPreferences.GetString("IABTCF_VendorConsents");
_vendorLi = ApplicationPreferences.GetString("IABTCF_VendorLegitimateInterests");
_purposeLi = ApplicationPreferences.GetString("IABTCF_PurposeLegitimateInterests");
_partnerConsent = ApplicationPreferences.GetString("IABTCF_AddtlConsent");
#region GoogleMobileAds 8.6.0 이전 버전
//#if UNITY_EDITOR // 에디터에서는 자바 호출이 에러나서 에외처리
// gdprNum = 1;
// _purposeConsent = "0000000000";
// _vendorConsent = "0000000000";
// _vendorLi = "";
// _purposeLi = "";
// _partnerConsent = "";
// AndroidJavaClass unityPlayer = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
// AndroidJavaObject currentActivity = unityPlayer.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
// AndroidJavaClass preferenceManagerClass = new AndroidJavaClass("android.preference.PreferenceManager");
// AndroidJavaObject sharedPreferences =
// preferenceManagerClass.CallStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("getDefaultSharedPreferences", currentActivity);
// gdprNum = sharedPreferences.Call<int>("getInt", "IABTCF_gdprApplies", 0);
// _purposeConsent = sharedPreferences.Call<string>("getString", "IABTCF_PurposeConsents", "");
// _vendorConsent = sharedPreferences.Call<string>("getString", "IABTCF_VendorConsents", "");
// _vendorLi = sharedPreferences.Call<string>("getString", "IABTCF_VendorLegitimateInterests", "");
// _purposeLi = sharedPreferences.Call<string>("getString", "IABTCF_PurposeLegitimateInterests", "");
// _partnerConsent = sharedPreferences.Call<string>("getString", "IABTCF_AddtlConsent", "");
//#elif UNITY_IOS
// gdprNum = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("IABTCF_gdprApplies", 0);
// _purposeConsent = PlayerPrefs.GetString("IABTCF_PurposeConsents", "");
// _vendorConsent = PlayerPrefs.GetString("IABTCF_VendorConsents", "");
// _vendorLi = PlayerPrefs.GetString("IABTCF_VendorLegitimateInterests", "");
// _purposeLi = PlayerPrefs.GetString("IABTCF_PurposeLegitimateInterests", "");
// _partnerConsent = PlayerPrefs.GetString("IABTCF_AddtlConsent", "");
// 0 이면 아예 GDPR 대상이 아님. 1이어야 GDPR
if (gdprNum == 1)
_isGdprOn = true;
_isGdprOn = false;
Debug.Log("GDPR을 띄우는가? " + _isGdprOn);
Debug.Log("광고에 필요한 권한 동의: " + _purposeConsent);
Debug.Log("광고에 필요한 적법관심(광고 개인화?) 동의: " + _vendorConsent);
Debug.Log("구글에 동의처리가 되어있는가?: " + _vendorLi);
Debug.Log("구글에 적법관심(광고 개인화?) 처리 여부: " + _purposeLi);
Debug.Log("파트너 네트워크 여부: " + _partnerConsent);
/// <summary>
/// GDPR을 띄워야 할 유저인지(EEA = 유럽 + 영국) 리턴
/// </summary>
/// <returns>EEA 여부</returns>
public static bool IsGDPR()
return _isGdprOn;
/// <summary>
/// 광고에 필요한 권한 동의 여부
/// </summary>
/// <returns>동의 여부</returns>
public static bool IsPurposeConsents()
// Example value:
// 동의 : "1111111111"
// 비동의 : "0"
if (true == string.IsNullOrEmpty(_purposeConsent))
return false;
Debug.LogFormat("[IsPurposeConsents] {0}", HasAttribute(_purposeConsent, 1));
// Purposes are zero-indexed. Index 0 contains information about Purpose 1.
// _purposeConsent[0]에 1(동의)이 있는지 체크
return HasAttribute(_purposeConsent, 1);
/// <summary>
/// 광고에 필요한 적법관심(광고 개인화?) 동의 여부
/// </summary>
/// <returns>동의 여부</returns>
public static bool IsVendorConsents()
if (true == string.IsNullOrEmpty(_vendorConsent))
return false;
// _vendorConsent[0]에 1(동의)이 있는지 체크
return HasAttribute(_vendorConsent, 1);
// 광고가 보여지는지 여부 리턴
public static bool CanAdShow()
int googleId = 755;
bool hasGoogleVendorConsent = HasAttribute(_vendorConsent, googleId);
bool hasGoogleVendorLi = HasAttribute(_vendorLi, googleId);
// 광고 가능 - 비개인화 광고
// return HasConsentFor(new List<int> { 1 }, _purposeConsent, hasGoogleVendorConsent)
// && HasConsentOrLegitimateInterestFor(new List<int> { 2, 7, 9, 10 },
// _purposeConsent, _purposeLi, hasGoogleVendorConsent, hasGoogleVendorLi);
// 광고 가능 - 제한적인 광고 - 1에 대한 권한이 없어도 됨 ㅇㅇ
return HasConsentOrLegitimateInterestFor(new List<int> { 2, 7, 9, 10 },
_purposeConsent, _purposeLi, hasGoogleVendorConsent, hasGoogleVendorLi);
// 개인화 광고가 보여지는지 여부 리턴
public static bool CanShowPersonalizedAds()
int googleId = 755;
bool hasGoogleVendorConsent = HasAttribute(_vendorConsent, googleId);
bool hasGoogleVendorLi = HasAttribute(_vendorLi, googleId);
return HasConsentFor(new List<int> { 1, 3, 4 }, _purposeConsent, hasGoogleVendorConsent)
&& HasConsentOrLegitimateInterestFor(new List<int> { 2, 7, 9, 10 },
_purposeConsent, _purposeLi, hasGoogleVendorConsent, hasGoogleVendorLi);
public static bool IsPartnerConsent(string partnerID) // 파트너 권한 있는지 확인
return _partnerConsent.Contains(partnerID);
// 이진 문자열의 "index" 위치에 "1"이 있는지 확인합니다(1 기반).
private static bool HasAttribute(string input, int index)
// null 예외처리[blueasa / 2024-03-21]
if(true == string.IsNullOrEmpty(input) || (input.Length <= index))
return false;
return (input[index - 1] == '1');
// 목적 목록에 대한 동의가 주어졌는지 확인합니다.
private static bool HasConsentFor(List<int> purposes, string purposeConsent, bool hasVendorConsent)
return purposes.All(p => HasAttribute(purposeConsent, p)) && hasVendorConsent;
// 목적 목록에 대한 공급자의 동의 또는 정당한 이익이 있는지 확인합니다.
private static bool HasConsentOrLegitimateInterestFor(List<int> purposes, string purposeConsent, string purposeLI, bool hasVendorConsent, bool hasVendorLI)
return purposes.All(p =>
(HasAttribute(purposeLI, p) && hasVendorLI) ||
(HasAttribute(purposeConsent, p) && hasVendorConsent));
WARNING:/Users/{UserAccount}/.gradle/caches/transforms-2/files-2.1/ea30c3c071cd48c926311878c13eb08b/jetified-unity-classes.jar: D8: Expected stack map table for method with non-linear control flow.
그래서 아래 위치의 gradle cache 하위 있는 것들을 모두 삭제하고 새로 빌드를 실행해서 잘 돌아가는 것을 확인했다.
Place the unzipped Gradle file in the following location /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2021.3.12f1/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/Tools/gradle/ Please note that 2021.3.12f1 is the editor version and should be replaced with your own environment.
Next, open Unity and change the Gradle to be used. From the top menu, select Unity > Preferences and open External Tools.
Uncheck the box marked "Gradle Installed with Unity (recommended)" and enter the path to the Gradle you just placed.
Now the Gradle used for building has been switched to a different version. If there are no problems with the version, you should now be able to build Android.
- [GooglemobileAds 6.0.0] You need to enable "Link frameworks statically" in Unity Editor -> Assets -> External Dependency Manager -> iOS Resolver -> Settings, or else the GMA plugin does not work.