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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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[추가] 2021-08-05 확인

GoogleMobileAds v6.0.1(2021-06-27 업데이트)에서 수정됐다.




GoogleMobileAds v6.0.0이 나와서 설치했는데 iOS에서 Build Error가 나서 확인해보니 GoogleMobileAds v6.0.0 버그 같다.


아래와 같이 Workaround.m 파일을 만들어서 추가하면 해결 된다.


qbit86 commented 2 days ago

It would probably be sufficient to reduce Assets/Plugins/iOS/Workaround.m to just this, with no headers needed at all:
// Workaround for https://github.com/googleads/googleads-mobile-unity/issues/1616

typedef const void *GADUTypeInterstitialRef;

typedef const void *GADUTypeRewardedAdRef;

typedef const void *GADUTypeRequestRef;

void GADURequestInterstitial(GADUTypeInterstitialRef interstitial, GADUTypeRequestRef request) { }

void GADURequestRewardedAd(GADUTypeRewardedAdRef rewardedAd, GADUTypeRequestRef request) { }



[링크] https://github.com/googleads/googleads-mobile-unity/issues/1616


Build iOS failed: Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_GADURequestInterstitial" · Issue #1616 · googleads/googleads-mob

Unity version: 2020.3.1 - 2020.3.6 Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin version: 6.0.0 Platform: iOS Platform OS version: n/a Any specific devices issue occurs on: n/a Mediation ad networks used, and the...



Posted by blueasa
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