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There is certainly a lot more to be said about C++/CLI, never mind the Visual C++ 2005 compiler, but I hope this article has provided you with a good introduction to what it has to offer for programmers targeting the CLR. The new language design provides unprecedented power and elegance to write rich .NET applications completely in C++ without sacrificing productivity, conciseness, or performance.

The following table provides a summary of the most common constructs for quick reference.

Description C++/CLI C#
Allocate reference type ReferenceType^ h = gcnew ReferenceType; ReferenceType h = new ReferenceType();
Allocate value type ValueType v(3, 4); ValueType v = new ValueType(3, 4);
Reference type, stack semantics ReferenceType h; N/A
Calling Dispose method ReferenceType^ h = gcnew ReferenceType;

delete h;

ReferenceType h = new ReferenceType();


Implementing Dispose method ~TypeName() {} void IDisposable.Dispose() {}
Implementing Finalize method !TypeName() {} ~TypeName() {}
Boxing int^ h = 123; object h = 123;
Unboxing int^ hi = 123;

int c = *hi;

object h = 123;

int i = (int) h;

Reference type definition ref class ReferenceType {};

ref struct ReferenceType {};

class ReferenceType {}
Value type definition value class ValueType {};

value struct ValueType {};

struct ValueType {}
Using properties h.Prop = 123;

int v = h.Prop;

h.Prop = 123;

int v = h.Prop;

Property definition property String^ Name
    String^ get()
        return m_value;
    void set(String^ value)
        m_value = value;
string Name
        return m_name;
        m_name = value;


About the author

Kenny Kerr spends most of his time designing and building distributed applications for the Microsoft Windows platform. He also has a particular passion for C++ and security programming. Reach Kenny at http://weblogs.asp.net/kennykerr/ or visit his Web site: http://www.kennyandkarin.com/Kenny/.

[출처] C++/CLI article in MSDN|작성자 MON

Posted by blueasa
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