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'LFS'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2017.11.14 [펌] Synology As A Git LFS Server

Last Christmas I bought my wife and myself a Synology NAS to store our pictures on. Given that I’d spent a lot of time over the last few years working on Git LFS, I always thought it would be pretty cool if you could use the NAS as an LFS server.

Like everything else these days, the thing can run apps. I looked around for what it would take to make an app for it and what I found seemed to be mostly a bunch of flaming hoops to jump through. I’m pretty lazy, so I dropped it.

The other day I was checking out Home Assistant and noticed it could be installed on the Synology via Docker. Wait … what? You can run Docker on it‽ Far out! It is Linux, so I guess that makes sense. Now it should be easy to set up an LFS server on it. We have a reference server that’ll do just fine for this.

To get running, first install the Docker app from Package Center. Start the app and head to the Registrytab. It’s hooked up to DockerHub by default. The search seems to love returning results for things you didn’t ask for, so it’s best to just search for rubyist. Searching for rubyist/git-lfs-server is far too specific, I guess, but that’s what you’re looking for. Click Download for download.

Once it’s downloaded, it’ll appear in the Image tab. Click Launch to launch.

This brings up the Docker app’s container wizard. It’s actually quite nice. Click the Advanced Settingsbutton. Set the following options in their respective tabs:

  • Advanced Settings: Enable auto-restart
  • Volume: Add a folder on the drive at a Mount Path of /var/git-lfs
  • Network: Select “Use the same network as Docker Host”
  • Environment: Configure any environment vars for the server

The full set of supported environment variables can be found in the lfs-test-server README, here are the ones you’ll need to set:

  • LFS_HOST: The host name of your NAS
  • LFS_ADMINUSER: The username of the admin user
  • LFS_ADMINPASS: The admin password

When setting LFS_HOST you’ll need to include the port that the LFS server is running on, which will be ":8080". For example, "foobar.localdomain:8080".

Once you’re done there, close the advanced settings and click the Next button. You’ll see a summary of the config. Click Apply.

Your LFS server is now running! Configure LFS by adding the following to the .lfsconfig file in the root of your repo:


If you have questions, tweet at @rubyist, I might answer.

[출처] https://killring.io/post/synology-for-lfs/

Posted by blueasa
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