[iOS] SKANErrorDomain:SKANErrorUnknown (value 10)
Unity 2018.4.36f1
Xcode 13.4.1
[Error Message]
[Attribution] updatePostbackConversionValue returned error: 작업을 완료할 수 없습니다.(SKANErrorDomain 오류 10.).
iOS 빌드하고 실행에 별다른 문제는 없지만 위와 같은 에러가 떠서 뭔가하고 찾아봤는데,
Apple 측 답변으로는 에러메시지는 뜨지만 정상 동작하고 있다는 것 같다.
Got an answer from Apple:
There has been an issue identified starting iOS 15.3, where the view through APIs may return an "unknown error", in cases when no error has actually occurred. In 15.3 that error is ASDErrorDomain:500. In 15.4 that error is now defined in the public SDK as SKANErrorDomain:SKANErrorUnknown (value 10). However, in those cases no functional error has actually occurred. The impression was recorded by the system.
We recommend that you ignore all errors of type ASDErrorDomain:500 / SKANErrorDomain:SKANErrorUnknown (value 10), as they are not real errors. The impression is recorded on the device regardless of those errors.
[출처] https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/699442
SKAdImpression unknown 500 error | Apple Developer Forums
In iOS 15.3 method SKAdNetwork.startImpression() returns an error in completionHandler: MyTestApp(StoreKit)[560] : SKAdNetwork: Error in remote proxy while starting view-through impression: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=500 "SKAdNetwork: Unknown error"