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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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'TinyXmlReader'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2012.12.09 TinyXmlReader


Unity3D/Xml / 2012. 12. 9. 20:29


You can use Mono's System.Xml for handling XML files but this requires including the System.Xml dll into your Unity program which increases its file size by about 1 MB. Not to mention the lack of documentation for using System.Xml on UnityScript.

I found rolling my own XML parser was easier. Note however that this is a really simple XML parser, it doesn't recognize attributes (I did not implement it simply because I don't use XML attributes).


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class TinyXmlReader
    private string xmlString = "";
    private int idx = 0;
    public TinyXmlReader(string newXmlString)
        xmlString = newXmlString;
    public string tagName = "";
    public bool isOpeningTag = false;
    public string content = "";
	// properly looks for the next index of _c, without stopping at line endings, allowing tags to be break lines	
	int IndexOf(char _c, int _i)
		int i = _i;
		while (i < xmlString.Length)
			if (xmlString[i] == _c)
				return i;
		return -1;
    public bool Read()
		if (idx > -1)
        	idx = xmlString.IndexOf("<", idx);
        if (idx == -1)
            return false;
		// skip attributes, don't include them in the name!
		int endOfTag = IndexOf('>', idx);
		int endOfName = IndexOf(' ', idx);
        if ((endOfName == -1) || (endOfTag < endOfName))
			endOfName = endOfTag;
		if (endOfTag == -1)
            return false;
        tagName = xmlString.Substring(idx, endOfName - idx);
        idx = endOfTag;
        // check if a closing tag
        if (tagName.StartsWith("/"))
            isOpeningTag = false;
            tagName = tagName.Remove(0, 1); // remove the slash
            isOpeningTag = true;
        // if an opening tag, get the content
        if (isOpeningTag)
            int startOfCloseTag = xmlString.IndexOf("<", idx);
            if (startOfCloseTag == -1)
                return false;
            content = xmlString.Substring(idx+1, startOfCloseTag-idx-1);
            content = content.Trim();
        return true;
    // returns false when the endingTag is encountered
    public bool Read(string endingTag)
        bool retVal = Read();
        if (tagName == endingTag && !isOpeningTag)
            retVal = false;
        return retVal;


class TinyXmlReader
private var xmlString = "";
private var idx = 0;
function TinyXmlReader(aXmlString : String)
	xmlString = aXmlString;
var tagName = "";
var isOpeningTag = false;
var content = "";
function Read() : boolean
	idx = xmlString.IndexOf("<", idx);
	if (idx == -1)
		return false;
	var endOfTag = xmlString.IndexOf(">", idx);
	if (endOfTag == -1)
		return false;
	tagName = xmlString.Substring(idx, endOfTag-idx);
	idx = endOfTag;
	// check if a closing tag
	if (tagName.StartsWith("/"))
		isOpeningTag = false;
		tagName = tagName.Remove(0, 1); // remove the slash
		isOpeningTag = true;
	// if an opening tag, get the content
	if (isOpeningTag)
		var startOfCloseTag = xmlString.IndexOf("<", idx);
		content = xmlString.Substring(idx+1, startOfCloseTag-idx-1);
		content = content.Trim();
	return true;
// returns false when the endingTag is encountered
function Read(endingTag : String) : boolean
	var retVal = Read();
	if (tagName == endingTag && !isOpeningTag)
		retVal = false;
	return retVal;


Here I provide example code on how to use the TinyXmlReader.

private var text : String;
var skin : GUISkin;
function OnGUI()
	GUILayout.Label(text, skin.label);
function Start()
	var xmlText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Application.dataPath + "/Rifleman.xml");
	var reader = TinyXmlReader(xmlText);
	while (reader.Read())
		if (reader.isOpeningTag)
			text += (reader.tagName + " \"" + reader.content + "\"\n");
		if (reader.tagName == "Skills" && reader.isOpeningTag)
			while(reader.Read("Skills")) // read as long as not encountering the closing tag for Skills
				if (reader.isOpeningTag)
					text += ("Skill: " + reader.tagName + " \"" + reader.content + "\"\n");

Plus, here's the XML file used for the example code: <xml> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Unit> <Type>Rifleman</Type> <Label>ライフル銃兵 é (для Windows тоже!)</Label> <MaxHP>100</MaxHP> <SightRange>10</SightRange> <Skills> <UnitMovement> <Label>Move</Label> <Animation>move</Animation> <Range>10</Range> <Speed>6</Speed> </UnitMovement> <SimpleAttack> <Label>Attack</Label> <Animation>shoot</Animation> <Range>10</Range> <Damage>20</Damage> <AttackTime>0.348</AttackTime> <AttackType>Ranged</AttackType> </SimpleAttack> <Grenade> <Label>Throw Grenade</Label> <Animation>shoot</Animation> <Range>10</Range> <Damage>20</Damage> <AttackTime>0.348</AttackTime> <ExplosionRadius>5</ExplosionRadius> <NoOfUses>3</NoOfUses> </Grenade> </Skills> <Pahabol>oompa loompa doompity doo, we wouldn't hit that and neither should you</Pahabol> </Unit> </xml>

It produces this output:

TinyXmlReader Sample Output

출처 : http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/TinyXmlReader

Posted by blueasa
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