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'fadeout'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2012.10.31 FadeInOut


Unity3D/Script / 2012. 10. 31. 17:19






Author: PsychicParrot

Little script to fade an image (stretched to fit the screen, so use a 1x1 black pixel for a simple black fade in/out).

Simply apply it to your camera (or an empty GameObject), set the texture to use, set the fadeSpeed and call fadeIn() or fadeOut()

Easiest way is probably to apply this script to your main camera in the scene, then wherever you want to fade use something like:





Source (FadeInOut.js)

// FadeInOut
//                        Public parameters
public var fadeOutTexture : Texture2D;
public var fadeSpeed = 0.3;
var drawDepth = -1000;
//                       Private variables
private var alpha = 1.0; 
private var fadeDir = -1;
//                       Runtime functions
function OnGUI(){
	alpha += fadeDir * fadeSpeed * Time.deltaTime;	
	alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(alpha);	
	GUI.color.a = alpha;
	GUI.depth = drawDepth;
	GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height), fadeOutTexture);
function fadeIn(){
	fadeDir = -1;	
function fadeOut(){
	fadeDir = 1;	
function Start(){



Author: Adrian

Extended version written in Boo (put it into "Standard Assets/Scripts" to use it from within JavaScript files).

Main change is that rather than defining a fade speed you can set the duration of the fade in seconds.

Also provides methods to set the fade duration when the method is called and static methods to call the fade script on the main camera (by calling CameraFade.FadeInMain()).

Source (CameraFade.boo)

import UnityEngine
class CameraFade (MonoBehaviour): 
	# ---------------------------------------- #
	# Alpha start value
	public startAlpha as single = 1
	# Texture used for fading
	public fadeTexture as Texture2D
	# Default time a fade takes in seconds
	public fadeDuration as single = 2
	# Depth of the gui element
	public guiDepth as int = -1
	# Fade into scene at start
	public fadeIntoScene as bool = true
	# ---------------------------------------- #
	# Current alpha of the texture
	currentAlpha as single = 1
	# Current duration of the fade
	currentDuration as single
	# Direction of the fade
	fadeDirection as int = -1
	# Fade alpha to
	targetAlpha as single = 0
	# Alpha difference
	alphaDifference as single = 0
	# Style for background tiling
	private backgroundStyle as GUIStyle = GUIStyle()
	private dummyTex as Texture2D
	# ---------------------------------------- #
	def FadeIn(duration as single, to as single):
		# Set fade duration
		currentDuration = duration
		# Set target alpha
		targetAlpha = to
		# Difference
		alphaDifference = Mathf.Clamp01(currentAlpha - targetAlpha)
		# Set direction to Fade in
		fadeDirection = -1
	def FadeIn():
		FadeIn(fadeDuration, 0)
	def FadeIn(duration as single):
		FadeIn(duration, 0)
	def FadeOut(duration as single, to as single):
		# Set fade duration
		currentDuration = duration
		# Set target alpha
		targetAlpha = to
		# Difference
		alphaDifference = Mathf.Clamp01(targetAlpha - currentAlpha)
		# Set direction to fade out
		fadeDirection = 1
	def FadeOut():
		FadeOut(fadeDuration, 1)
	def FadeOut(duration as single):
		FadeOut(duration, 1)
	# ---------------------------------------- #
	static def FadeInMain(duration as single, to as single):
		GetInstance().FadeIn(duration, to)
	static def FadeInMain():
	static def FadeInMain(duration as single):
	static def FadeOutMain(duration as single, to as single):
		GetInstance().FadeOut(duration, to)
	static def FadeOutMain():
	static def FadeOutMain(duration as single):
	# Get script fom Camera
	static def GetInstance() as CameraFade:
		# Get Script
		fader as CameraFade = Camera.main.GetComponent(CameraFade)
		# Check if script exists
		if (fader == null):
			raise System.Exception("No CameraFade attached to the main camera.")
		return fader
	# ---------------------------------------- #
	def Start():
		dummyTex = Texture2D(1,1)
		backgroundStyle.normal.background = fadeTexture
		currentAlpha = startAlpha
		if fadeIntoScene:
	# ---------------------------------------- #
	def OnGUI():
		# Fade alpha if active
		if ((fadeDirection == -1 and currentAlpha > targetAlpha)
			(fadeDirection == 1 and currentAlpha < targetAlpha)):
			# Advance fade by fraction of full fade time
			currentAlpha += (fadeDirection * alphaDifference) * (Time.deltaTime / currentDuration)
			# Clamp to 0-1
			currentAlpha = Mathf.Clamp01(currentAlpha)
		# Draw only if not transculent
		if (currentAlpha > 0):
			# Draw texture at depth
			GUI.color.a = currentAlpha;
			GUI.depth = guiDepth;
			GUI.Label(Rect(-10, -10, Screen.width + 10, Screen.height + 10), dummyTex, backgroundStyle)

Another Fade Script in C#


Author: Kentyman

Hello everybody! I was looking for an easy way to fade the screen and found this page. The scripts here didn't do quite what I wanted, so I rewrote the C# version. This one will fade from any color to any color. Usage: use "SetScreenOverlayColor" to set the initial color, then use "StartFade" to set the target color and the fade duration (in seconds) and start the fade.

Source (CameraFade.cs)

// simple fading script
// A texture is stretched over the entire screen. The color of the pixel is set each frame until it reaches its target color.
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraFade : MonoBehaviour
	private GUIStyle m_BackgroundStyle = new GUIStyle();		// Style for background tiling
	private Texture2D m_FadeTexture;				// 1x1 pixel texture used for fading
	private Color m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor = new Color(0,0,0,0);	// default starting color: black and fully transparrent
	private Color m_TargetScreenOverlayColor = new Color(0,0,0,0);	// default target color: black and fully transparrent
	private Color m_DeltaColor = new Color(0,0,0,0);		// the delta-color is basically the "speed / second" at which the current color should change
	private int m_FadeGUIDepth = -1000;				// make sure this texture is drawn on top of everything
	// initialize the texture, background-style and initial color:
	private void Awake()
		m_FadeTexture = new Texture2D(1, 1);        
        m_BackgroundStyle.normal.background = m_FadeTexture;
		// TEMP:
		// usage: use "SetScreenOverlayColor" to set the initial color, then use "StartFade" to set the desired color & fade duration and start the fade
		//SetScreenOverlayColor(new Color(0,0,0,1));
		//StartFade(new Color(1,0,0,1), 5);
	// draw the texture and perform the fade:
	private void OnGUI()
		// if the current color of the screen is not equal to the desired color: keep fading!
		if (m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor != m_TargetScreenOverlayColor)
			// if the difference between the current alpha and the desired alpha is smaller than delta-alpha * deltaTime, then we're pretty much done fading:
			if (Mathf.Abs(m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor.a - m_TargetScreenOverlayColor.a) < Mathf.Abs(m_DeltaColor.a) * Time.deltaTime)
				m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor = m_TargetScreenOverlayColor;
				m_DeltaColor = new Color(0,0,0,0);
				// fade!
				SetScreenOverlayColor(m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor + m_DeltaColor * Time.deltaTime);
		// only draw the texture when the alpha value is greater than 0:
		if (m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor.a > 0)
            		GUI.depth = m_FadeGUIDepth;
            		GUI.Label(new Rect(-10, -10, Screen.width + 10, Screen.height + 10), m_FadeTexture, m_BackgroundStyle);
	// instantly set the current color of the screen-texture to "newScreenOverlayColor"
	// can be usefull if you want to start a scene fully black and then fade to opague
	public void SetScreenOverlayColor(Color newScreenOverlayColor)
		m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor = newScreenOverlayColor;
		m_FadeTexture.SetPixel(0, 0, m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor);
	// initiate a fade from the current screen color (set using "SetScreenOverlayColor") towards "newScreenOverlayColor" taking "fadeDuration" seconds
	public void StartFade(Color newScreenOverlayColor, float fadeDuration)
		if (fadeDuration <= 0.0f)		// can't have a fade last -2455.05 seconds!
		else					// initiate the fade: set the target-color and the delta-color
			m_TargetScreenOverlayColor = newScreenOverlayColor;
			m_DeltaColor = (m_TargetScreenOverlayColor - m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor) / fadeDuration;



Author: ratmat2000

Extended version written in C# (put it into "Standard Assets/Scripts" to use it from within JavaScript files).

This version is identical to the Boo version but written in C#.

Source (CameraFade.cs)

using UnityEngine;
public class CameraFade : MonoBehaviour
    // ---------------------------------------- 
    // ----------------------------------------
    // Alpha start value
    public float startAlpha = 1;
    // Texture used for fading
    public Texture2D fadeTexture;
    // Default time a fade takes in seconds
    public float fadeDuration = 2;
    // Depth of the gui element
    public int guiDepth = -1000;
    // Fade into scene at start
    public bool fadeIntoScene = true;
    // ---------------------------------------- 
    // ----------------------------------------
    // Current alpha of the texture
    private float currentAlpha = 1;
    // Current duration of the fade
    private float currentDuration;
    // Direction of the fade
    private int fadeDirection = -1;
    // Fade alpha to
    private float targetAlpha = 0;
    // Alpha difference
    private float alphaDifference = 0;
    // Style for background tiling
    private GUIStyle backgroundStyle = new GUIStyle();
    private Texture2D dummyTex;
    // Color object for alpha setting
    Color alphaColor = new Color();
    // ---------------------------------------- 
    // ----------------------------------------
    public void FadeIn(float duration, float to)
        // Set fade duration
        currentDuration = duration;
        // Set target alpha
        targetAlpha = to;
        // Difference
        alphaDifference = Mathf.Clamp01(currentAlpha - targetAlpha);
        // Set direction to Fade in
        fadeDirection = -1;
    public void FadeIn()
        FadeIn(fadeDuration, 0);
    public void FadeIn(float duration)
        FadeIn(duration, 0);
    public void FadeOut(float duration, float to)
        // Set fade duration
        currentDuration = duration;
        // Set target alpha
        targetAlpha = to;
        // Difference
        alphaDifference = Mathf.Clamp01(targetAlpha - currentAlpha);
        // Set direction to fade out
        fadeDirection = 1;
    public void FadeOut()
        FadeOut(fadeDuration, 1);
    public void FadeOut(float duration)
        FadeOut(duration, 1);
    // ---------------------------------------- 
    // ----------------------------------------
    public static void FadeInMain(float duration, float to)
        GetInstance().FadeIn(duration, to);
    public static void FadeInMain()
    public static void FadeInMain(float duration)
    public static void FadeOutMain(float duration, float to)
        GetInstance().FadeOut(duration, to);
    public static void FadeOutMain()
    public static void FadeOutMain(float duration)
    // Get script fom Camera
    public static FadeInOut GetInstance()
    	// Get Script
        FadeInOut fader = (FadeInOut)Camera.main.GetComponent("FadeInOut");
        // Check if script exists
        if (fader == null) 
            Debug.LogError("No FadeInOut attached to the main camera.");
        return fader;
    // ---------------------------------------- 
    // ----------------------------------------
    public void Start()
    	Debug.Log("Starting FadeInOut");
        dummyTex = new Texture2D(1,1);
        backgroundStyle.normal.background = fadeTexture;
        currentAlpha = startAlpha;
        if (fadeIntoScene)
    // ---------------------------------------- 
    // ----------------------------------------
    public void OnGUI()
        // Fade alpha if active
        if ((fadeDirection == -1 && currentAlpha > targetAlpha) ||
            (fadeDirection == 1 && currentAlpha < targetAlpha))
            // Advance fade by fraction of full fade time
            currentAlpha += (fadeDirection * alphaDifference) * (Time.deltaTime / currentDuration);
            // Clamp to 0-1
            currentAlpha = Mathf.Clamp01(currentAlpha);
        // Draw only if not transculent
        if (currentAlpha > 0)
            // Draw texture at depth
            alphaColor.a = currentAlpha;
            GUI.color = alphaColor;
            GUI.depth = guiDepth;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(-10, -10, Screen.width + 10, Screen.height + 10), dummyTex, backgroundStyle);

The following bugs have been identified in the code segment above

LINE 133: FadeInOut should read CameraFade

LINE 136: Replace FadeInOut occurances with CameraFade

Also when I was trying to use it, if I didn't FadeIn on start the value for currentAlpha would end up NaN. I had to do some rearranging, but when I was done there were conditions that would cause currentAlpha to equal the targetAlpha when I issued a FadeIn command. I corrected this by placing the following code in the FadeIn method and an equivalent one in the FadeOut.

    	//Check to see if currentAlpha is set to 1.  It will need to be 1 to fade properly
    	if (currentAlpha != 1){
          currentAlpha = 1;	

I would replace this code with mine, but I've already changed my so much I am hesitant to do so, I'll leave that exercise to someone else.

Posted by blueasa
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