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05-03 00:02

'2016/09/19'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2016.09.19 [Link] Simple Disk Utils
  2. 2016.09.19 [버그] 모바일에서 터치가 씹히는 경우

[Link] https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/kr/#!/content/59382

Disk/storage capacity check helper methods for Windows, OSX, iOS, and Android platform. 

Simply checks free, busy, and total storage space of your platform. 

Main methods: 

File managing functions like save and delete to text or binary file with special cases handling are also provided. 


1. Tested on Windows, OSX, iOS, and Android platform. 

2. Implemented file handling methods are not including methods that are already covered in standard library (most likely on System.IO). 

See and help me on Git:https://github.com/dkrprasetya/simple-disk-utils

[참조] http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/get-available-disk-space.251192/

Posted by blueasa
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Force Module Active가 체크 돼 있다면 체크해제 해 주자.

(현재 Unity 5.4.x 기준)

[참조] http://blog.naver.com/dunkydonk/220256297382

Posted by blueasa
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