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Texture Sizes

Ideally texture sizes should be powers of two on the sides. These sizes are as follows: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 etc. pixels. The textures do not have to be square, i.e. width can be different from height. Note that each platform may impose maximum texture sizes.


Unless you're targeting a specific hardware, like Tegra, we'd recommend using ETC1 compression. If needed you could store an external alpha channel and still benefit from lower texture footprint. If you absolutely want to store an alpha channel in a texture, RGBA16 bit is the compression supported by all hardware vendors.

Textures can be imported from DDS files but only DXT or uncompressed pixel formats are currently supported.


If your app utilizes an unsupported texture compression, the textures will be uncompressed to RGBA 32 and stored in memory along with the compressed ones.So in this case you lose time decompressing textures and lose memory storing them twice. It may also have a very negative impact on rendering performance.


중요한부분에 빨간마커!


요약 : 


플랫폼별 텍스쳐사이즈 리미트를 확인

암축설정은 ETC1 할것이유인 즉슨 ETC1 모든 기기에서 지원하는데만약 지원하지않는 압축형식을 사용할경우 텍스쳐는 32bit형식으로 압축이 풀리면서 메모리가 졎대는 현상이 발생함


추가 :

2^x*2^x정방형태의 텍스쳐를 사용할것

[출처] Unity3d Texture 레퍼런스정리|작성자 송주씨

Posted by blueasa
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