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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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위 파일 설치하면 됨..


Ok. Here's small update:
http://www.jostavo.net/NShader.rar (it's a new fork for 2013 by SilentSouls that uses embedded coloring, the one Nims mentioned before)

I've added support of .shader.compute.cginc (sorry just handling not native support, see attach)

*optional* - in VisualStudio go Tools > Extensions and Updates find NShader and uninstall it, reboot studio (it need to be restarted to remove files)
Make sure Visual Studio is closed

Who afraid to download my file, install one from jostavo.net and then create and add .reg:
For future updates:
{af99cc5c-2a8a-3547-b255-896525bc39d1} - is UUID for current build only!

To find one You needed - open NShader.pkgdef and look for:
Or after install go
There will be yours.

Attached Files:

[출처] http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/tutorial-how-to-use-nshader-with-unity-shaders.108995/

Posted by blueasa
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