[펌] TexturePacker
[링크] https://www.codeandweb.com/texturepacker
[링크] Quickstart Guide with TexturePacker and Unity
Tutorials for Unity:
Sprite Sheets &
Normal Mapped Sprites
scroll down for our Quickstart Guide.
Quickstart Guide with TexturePacker and Unity
This overview shows you how to create your first sprite sheet and import it into your unity project.
These 6 steps will cost you only 5 minutes - but make your development much easier. Promised!
Open TexturePacker, select
Unity - Texture2D sprite sheet
as framework.

Add sprites ...
Drag & drop sprites
onto TexturePacker.
... or folders
TexturePacker adds
all sprites inside the folder
and updates the texture
when the content changes.

Set output files
Make sure to set the output path of both files inside the Assets folder of your Unity project.

Optional: Set Trim mode and Pivot Point.
Crop removes transparency from sprites, allowing a better packing ratio.
Click Publish sprite sheet to write the sprite sheet to your Unity project
Download and install our free
TexturePacker Importer
TexturePacker Importer
Free download from Unity Asset Store
The sprite sheet is updated after each publish.

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