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Unity3D/Script / 2012. 11. 22. 16:31


Author: Fernando Zapata (fernando@cpudreams.com)




Interpolation utility functions for easing, Bezier splines, and Catmull-Rom splines. Provides consistent calling conventions across these three interpolation types. Provides low level access via individual easing functions, for example EaseInOutCirc(), Bezier(), and CatmullRom(). Provides high level access using sequence generators, NewEase(), NewBezier(), and NewCatmullRom(). Functionality is available at different levels of abstraction, making the functions easy to use and making your own high level abstractions easy to build.


You can use the low level functions similar to how you might use Unity's built-in Mathf.Lerp().

var start = 0.0;
var distance = 3.0;
var duration = 2.0;
private var elapsedTime = 0.0;
function Update() {
    transform.position.y = Interpolate.EaseOutSine(start, distance,
                                                   elapsedTime, duration);
    elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;

Instead of hard coding the easing function you can use the Ease(EaseType) function to look up a concrete easing function.

// set using Unity's property inspector to any easing type (ex. EaseInCirc)
var easeType : EaseType; 
var ease : Function;
function Awake() {
  ease = Interpolate.Ease(easeType); // get easing function by type
   // ease can now be used:
  // transform.position.y = ease(start, distance, elapsedTime, duration);

You can also use higher level sequence generator functions to quickly build a reusable component. For example, this SplinePath component will move a GameObject smoothly along a path using Catmull-Rom to make sure the GameObject passes through each control point. Using the interpolation utility function this component takes less than ten lines of code (minus the visualization function OnDrawGizmos).

// SplinePath.js
var path : Transform[]; // path's control points
var loop : boolean;
// number of nodes to generate between path nodes, to smooth out the path
var betweenNodeCount : int;
private var nodes : IEnumerator;
function Awake() {
  nodes = Interpolate.NewCatmullRom(path, betweenNodeCount, loop);
function Update() {
  if (nodes.MoveNext()) {
    transform.position = nodes.Current;
// optional, use gizmos to draw the path in the editor
function OnDrawGizmos() {
  if (path && path.length >= 2) {
    // draw control points
    for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
      Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(path[i].position, 0.15);
    // draw spline curve using line segments
    var sequence = Interpolate.NewCatmullRom(path, betweenNodeCount, loop);
    var firstPoint = path[0].position;
    var segmentStart = firstPoint;
    sequence.MoveNext(); // skip the first point
    // use "for in" syntax instead of sequence.MoveNext() when convenient
    for (var segmentEnd in sequence) {
      Gizmos.DrawLine(segmentStart, segmentEnd);
      segmentStart = segmentEnd;
      // prevent infinite loop, when attribute loop == true
      if (segmentStart == firstPoint) { break; }


For the complete details on all available functions please read the doc comments. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly at fernando@cpudreams.com.


The code is organized top-down for easy reading.


#pragma strict
 * Interpolation utility functions: easing, bezier, and catmull-rom.
 * Consider using Unity's Animation curve editor and AnimationCurve class
 * before scripting the desired behaviour using this utility.
 * Interpolation functionality available at different levels of abstraction.
 * Low level access via individual easing functions (ex. EaseInOutCirc),
 * Bezier(), and CatmullRom(). High level access using sequence generators,
 * NewEase(), NewBezier(), and NewCatmullRom().
 * Sequence generators are typically used as follows:
 * var sequence = Interpolate.New[Ease|Bezier|CatmulRom](configuration);
 * for (var newPoint in sequence) {
 *   transform.position = newPoint;
 *   yield;
 * }
 * Or:
 * var sequence = Interpolate.New[Ease|Bezier|CatmulRom](configuration);
 * function Update() {
 *   if (sequence.MoveNext()) {
 *     transform.position = sequence.Current;
 *   }
 * }
 * The low level functions work similarly to Unity's built in Lerp and it is
 * up to you to track and pass in elapsedTime and duration on every call. The
 * functions take this form (or the logical equivalent for Bezier() and
 * CatmullRom()).
 * transform.position = ease(start, distance, elapsedTime, duration);
 * For convenience in configuration you can use the Ease(EaseType) function to
 * look up a concrete easing function:
 * var easeType : EaseType; // set using Unity's property inspector
 * var ease : Function; // easing of a particular EaseType
 * function Awake() {
 *   ease = Interpolate.Ease(easeType);
 * }
 * @author Fernando Zapata (fernando@cpudreams.com)
 * Different methods of easing interpolation.
enum EaseType {
 * Returns sequence generator from start to end over duration using the
 * given easing function. The sequence is generated as it is accessed
 * using the Time.deltaTime to calculate the portion of duration that has
 * elapsed.
static function NewEase(ease : Function, start : Vector3,
                        end : Vector3, duration : float) : IEnumerator {
  var timer = NewTimer(duration);
  return NewEase(ease, start, end, duration, timer);
 * Instead of easing based on time, generate n interpolated points (slices)
 * between the start and end positions.
static function NewEase(ease : Function, start : Vector3,
                        end : Vector3, slices : int) : IEnumerator {
  var counter = NewCounter(0, slices + 1, 1);
  return NewEase(ease, start, end, slices + 1, counter);
 * Generic easing sequence generator used to implement the time and
 * slice variants. Normally you would not use this function directly.
static function NewEase(ease : Function, start : Vector3, end : Vector3,
                        total : float, driver : IEnumerator) : IEnumerator {
  var distance = end - start;
  for (var i in driver) {
    yield Ease(ease, start, distance, i, total);
 * Vector3 interpolation using given easing method. Easing is done independently
 * on all three vector axis.
static function Ease(ease : Function,
                     start : Vector3, distance : Vector3,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : Vector3 {
  start.x = ease(start.x, distance.x, elapsedTime, duration);
  start.y = ease(start.y, distance.y, elapsedTime, duration);
  start.z = ease(start.z, distance.z, elapsedTime, duration);
  return start;
 * Returns the static method that implements the given easing type for scalars.
 * Use this method to easily switch between easing interpolation types.
 * All easing methods clamp elapsedTime so that it is always <= duration.
 * var ease = Interpolate.Ease(EaseType.EaseInQuad);
 * i = ease(start, distance, elapsedTime, duration);
static function Ease(type : EaseType) : Function {
  // Source Flash easing functions:
  // http://gizma.com/easing/
  // http://www.robertpenner.com/easing/easing_demo.html
  // Changed to use more friendly variable names, that follow my Lerp
  // conventions:
  // start = b (start value)
  // distance = c (change in value)
  // elapsedTime = t (current time)
  // duration = d (time duration)
  var f : Function;
  switch (type) {
  case EaseType.Linear: f = Interpolate.Linear; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInQuad: f = Interpolate.EaseInQuad; break;
  case EaseType.EaseOutQuad: f = Interpolate.EaseOutQuad; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInOutQuad: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutQuad; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInCubic: f = Interpolate.EaseInCubic; break;
  case EaseType.EaseOutCubic: f = Interpolate.EaseOutCubic; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInOutCubic: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutCubic; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInQuart: f = Interpolate.EaseInQuart; break;
  case EaseType.EaseOutQuart: f = Interpolate.EaseOutQuart; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInOutQuart: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutQuart; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInQuint: f = Interpolate.EaseInQuint; break;
  case EaseType.EaseOutQuint: f = Interpolate.EaseOutQuint; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInOutQuint: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutQuint; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInSine: f = Interpolate.EaseInSine; break;
  case EaseType.EaseOutSine: f = Interpolate.EaseOutSine; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInOutSine: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutSine; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInExpo: f = Interpolate.EaseInExpo; break;
  case EaseType.EaseOutExpo: f = Interpolate.EaseOutExpo; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInOutExpo: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutExpo; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInCirc: f = Interpolate.EaseInCirc; break;
  case EaseType.EaseOutCirc: f = Interpolate.EaseOutCirc; break;
  case EaseType.EaseInOutCirc: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutCirc; break;
  return f;
 * Returns sequence generator from the first node to the last node over
 * duration time using the points in-between the first and last node
 * as control points of a bezier curve used to generate the interpolated points
 * in the sequence. If there are no control points (ie. only two nodes, first
 * and last) then this behaves exactly the same as NewEase(). In other words
 * a zero-degree bezier spline curve is just the easing method. The sequence
 * is generated as it is accessed using the Time.deltaTime to calculate the
 * portion of duration that has elapsed.
static function NewBezier(ease : Function, nodes : Transform[],
                          duration : float) : IEnumerator {
  var timer = NewTimer(duration);
  return NewBezier(ease, nodes, TransformDotPosition, duration, timer);
 * Instead of interpolating based on time, generate n interpolated points
 * (slices) between the first and last node.
static function NewBezier(ease : Function, nodes : Transform[],
                          slices : int) : IEnumerator {
  var counter = NewCounter(0, slices + 1, 1);
  return NewBezier(ease, nodes, TransformDotPosition, slices + 1, counter);
 * A Vector3[] variation of the Transform[] NewBezier() function.
 * Same functionality but using Vector3s to define bezier curve.
static function NewBezier(ease : Function, points : Vector3[],
                          duration : float) : IEnumerator {
  var timer = NewTimer(duration);
  return NewBezier(ease, points, Identity, duration, timer);
 * A Vector3[] variation of the Transform[] NewBezier() function.
 * Same functionality but using Vector3s to define bezier curve.
static function NewBezier(ease : Function, points : Vector3[],
                          slices : int) : IEnumerator {
  var counter = NewCounter(0, slices + 1, 1);
  return NewBezier(ease, points, Identity, slices + 1, counter);
 * Generic bezier spline sequence generator used to implement the time and
 * slice variants. Normally you would not use this function directly.
static function NewBezier(ease : Function, nodes : IList, toVector3 : Function,
                          maxStep : float, steps : IEnumerator) : IEnumerator {
  // need at least two nodes to spline between
  if (nodes.Count >= 2) {
    // copy nodes array since Bezier is destructive
    var points = new Vector3[nodes.Count];
    for (var step in steps) {
      // re-initialize copy before each destructive call to Bezier
      for (var i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) {
        points[i] = toVector3(nodes[i]);
      yield Bezier(ease, points, step, maxStep);
      // make sure last value is always generated
 * A Vector3 n-degree bezier spline.
 * WARNING: The points array is modified by Bezier. See NewBezier() for a
 * safe and user friendly alternative.
 * You can pass zero control points, just the start and end points, for just
 * plain easing. In other words a zero-degree bezier spline curve is just the
 * easing method.
 * @param points start point, n control points, end point
static function Bezier(ease : Function, points : Vector3[],
                        elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : Vector3 {
  // Reference: http://ibiblio.org/e-notes/Splines/Bezier.htm
  // Interpolate the n starting points to generate the next j = (n - 1) points,
  // then interpolate those n - 1 points to generate the next n - 2 points,
  // continue this until we have generated the last point (n - (n - 1)), j = 1.
  // We store the next set of output points in the same array as the
  // input points used to generate them. This works because we store the
  // result in the slot of the input point that is no longer used for this
  // iteration.
  for (var j = points.length - 1; j > 0; j--) {
    for (var i = 0; i < j; i++) {
      points[i].x = ease(points[i].x, points[i + 1].x - points[i].x,
                         elapsedTime, duration);
      points[i].y = ease(points[i].y, points[i + 1].y - points[i].y,
                         elapsedTime, duration);
      points[i].z = ease(points[i].z, points[i + 1].z - points[i].z,
                         elapsedTime, duration);
  return points[0];
 * Returns sequence generator from the first node, through each control point,
 * and to the last node. N points are generated between each node (slices)
 * using Catmull-Rom.
static function NewCatmullRom(nodes : Transform[], slices : int,
                              loop : boolean) : IEnumerator {
  return NewCatmullRom(nodes, TransformDotPosition, slices, loop);
 * A Vector3[] variation of the Transform[] NewCatmullRom() function.
 * Same functionality but using Vector3s to define curve.
static function NewCatmullRom(points : Vector3[], slices : int,
                              loop : boolean) : IEnumerator {
  return NewCatmullRom(points, Identity, slices, loop);
 * Generic catmull-rom spline sequence generator used to implement the
 * Vector3[] and Transform[] variants. Normally you would not use this
 * function directly.
static function NewCatmullRom(nodes : IList, toVector3 : Function,
                              slices : int, loop : boolean) : IEnumerator {
  // need at least two nodes to spline between
  if (nodes.Count >= 2) {
    // yield the first point explicitly, if looping the first point
    // will be generated again in the step for loop when interpolating
    // from last point back to the first point
    yield toVector3(nodes[0]);
    var last = nodes.Count - 1;
    for (var current = 0; loop || current < last; current++) {
      // wrap around when looping
      if (loop && current > last) {
        current = 0;
      // handle edge cases for looping and non-looping scenarios
      // when looping we wrap around, when not looping use start for previous
      // and end for next when you at the ends of the nodes array
      var previous = (current == 0) ? ((loop) ? last : current) : current - 1;
      var start = current;
      var end = (current == last) ? ((loop) ? 0 : current) : current + 1;
      var next = (end == last) ? ((loop) ? 0 : end) : end + 1;
      // adding one guarantees yielding at least the end point
      var stepCount = slices + 1;
      for (var step = 1; step <= stepCount; step++) {
        yield CatmullRom(toVector3(nodes[previous]),
                         step, stepCount);
 * A Vector3 Catmull-Rom spline. Catmull-Rom splines are similar to bezier
 * splines but have the useful property that the generated curve will go
 * through each of the control points.
 * NOTE: The NewCatmullRom() functions are an easier to use alternative to this
 * raw Catmull-Rom implementation.
 * @param previous the point just before the start point or the start point
 *                 itself if no previous point is available
 * @param start generated when elapsedTime == 0
 * @param end generated when elapsedTime >= duration
 * @param next the point just after the end point or the end point itself if no
 *             next point is available
static function CatmullRom(previous : Vector3, start : Vector3, end :
                           Vector3, next : Vector3, elapsedTime : float,
                           duration : float) : Vector3 {
  // References used:
  // p.266 GemsV1
  // tension is often set to 0.5 but you can use any reasonable value:
  // http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~462/projects/assn2/assn2/catmullRom.pdf
  // bias and tension controls:
  // http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/miscellaneous/interpolation/
  var percentComplete = elapsedTime / duration;
  var percentCompleteSquared = percentComplete * percentComplete;
  var percentCompleteCubed = percentCompleteSquared * percentComplete;
  return previous * (-0.5*percentCompleteCubed +
                     percentCompleteSquared -
                     0.5*percentComplete) +
    start * (1.5*percentCompleteCubed +
             -2.5*percentCompleteSquared + 1.0) +
    end * (-1.5*percentCompleteCubed +
           2.0*percentCompleteSquared +
           0.5*percentComplete) +
    next * (0.5*percentCompleteCubed -
 * Sequence of eleapsedTimes until elapsedTime is >= duration.
 * Note: elapsedTimes are calculated using the value of Time.deltatTime each
 * time a value is requested.
static function NewTimer(duration : float) : IEnumerator {
  var elapsedTime = 0.0;
  while (elapsedTime < duration) {
    yield elapsedTime;
    elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
    // make sure last value is never skipped
    if (elapsedTime >= duration) {
      yield elapsedTime;
 * Generates sequence of integers from start to end (inclusive) one step
 * at a time.
static function NewCounter(start : int, end : int, step : int) : IEnumerator {
  for (var i = start; i <= end; i += step) {
    yield i;
static function Identity(v : Vector3) : Vector3 {
  return v;
static function TransformDotPosition(t : Transform) : Vector3 {
  return t.position;
 * Linear interpolation (same as Mathf.Lerp)
static function Linear(start : float, distance : float,
                       elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime to be <= duration
  if (elapsedTime > duration) { elapsedTime = duration; }
  return distance * (elapsedTime / duration) + start;
 * quadratic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
static function EaseInQuad(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0 : elapsedTime / duration;
  return distance*elapsedTime*elapsedTime + start;
 * quadratic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
static function EaseOutQuad(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0 : elapsedTime / duration;
  return -distance * elapsedTime*(elapsedTime-2) + start;
 * quadratic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
static function EaseInOutQuad(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 2.0 : elapsedTime / (duration / 2);
  if (elapsedTime < 1) return distance/2*elapsedTime*elapsedTime + start;
  return -distance/2 * (elapsedTime*(elapsedTime-2) - 1) + start;
 * cubic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
static function EaseInCubic(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0 : elapsedTime / duration;
  return distance*elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime + start;
 * cubic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
static function EaseOutCubic(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0 : elapsedTime / duration;
  return distance*(elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime + 1) + start;
 * cubic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
static function EaseInOutCubic(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 2.0 : elapsedTime / (duration / 2);
  if (elapsedTime < 1) return distance/2*elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime +
  elapsedTime -= 2;
  return distance/2*(elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime + 2) + start;
 * quartic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
static function EaseInQuart(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0 : elapsedTime / duration;
  return distance*elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime + start;
 * quartic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
static function EaseOutQuart(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0 : elapsedTime / duration;
  return -distance * (elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime - 1) +
 * quartic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
static function EaseInOutQuart(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 2.0 : elapsedTime / (duration / 2);
  if (elapsedTime < 1) return distance/2*
                         elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime +
  elapsedTime -= 2;
  return -distance/2 * (elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime - 2) +
 * quintic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
static function EaseInQuint(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0 : elapsedTime / duration;
  return distance*elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime*elapsedTime +
 * quintic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
static function EaseOutQuint(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0 : elapsedTime / duration;
  return distance * (elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime *
                     elapsedTime + 1) + start;
 * quintic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
static function EaseInOutQuint(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 2.0 : elapsedTime / (duration / 2);
  if (elapsedTime < 1) return distance/2 * elapsedTime * elapsedTime *
                         elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + start;
  elapsedTime -= 2;
  return distance/2 * (elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime *
                       elapsedTime + 2) + start;
 * sinusoidal easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
static function EaseInSine(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime to be <= duration
  if (elapsedTime > duration) { elapsedTime = duration; }
  return -distance * Mathf.Cos(elapsedTime/duration * (Mathf.PI/2)) +
                         distance + start;
 * sinusoidal easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
static function EaseOutSine(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime to be <= duration
  if (elapsedTime > duration) { elapsedTime = duration; }
  return distance * Mathf.Sin(elapsedTime/duration * (Mathf.PI/2)) + start;
 * sinusoidal easing in/out - accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
static function EaseInOutSine(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime to be <= duration
  if (elapsedTime > duration) { elapsedTime = duration; }
  return -distance/2 * (Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI*elapsedTime/duration) - 1) + start;
 * exponential easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
static function EaseInExpo(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime to be <= duration
  if (elapsedTime > duration) { elapsedTime = duration; }
  return distance * Mathf.Pow( 2, 10 * (elapsedTime/duration - 1) ) + start;
 * exponential easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
static function EaseOutExpo(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime to be <= duration
  if (elapsedTime > duration) { elapsedTime = duration; }
  return distance * ( -Mathf.Pow( 2, -10 * elapsedTime/duration ) + 1 ) + start;
 * exponential easing in/out - accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
static function EaseInOutExpo(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 2.0 : elapsedTime / (duration / 2);
  if (elapsedTime < 1) return distance/2 *
                         Mathf.Pow( 2, 10 * (elapsedTime - 1) ) + start;
  return distance/2 * ( -Mathf.Pow( 2, -10 * elapsedTime) + 2 ) + start;
 * circular easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
static function EaseInCirc(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0 : elapsedTime / duration;
  return -distance * (Mathf.Sqrt(1 - elapsedTime*elapsedTime) - 1) + start;
 * circular easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
static function EaseOutCirc(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0 : elapsedTime / duration;
  return distance * Mathf.Sqrt(1 - elapsedTime*elapsedTime) + start;
 * circular easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
static function EaseInOutCirc(start : float, distance : float,
                     elapsedTime : float, duration : float) : float {
  // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
  elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 2.0 : elapsedTime / (duration / 2);
  if (elapsedTime < 1) return -distance/2 *
                         (Mathf.Sqrt(1 - elapsedTime*elapsedTime) - 1) + start;
  elapsedTime -= 2;
  return distance/2 * (Mathf.Sqrt(1 - elapsedTime*elapsedTime) + 1) + start;

Version C#: Andrea85cs 02:55, 5 April 2011 (PDT)


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
 * Interpolation utility functions: easing, bezier, and catmull-rom.
 * Consider using Unity's Animation curve editor and AnimationCurve class
 * before scripting the desired behaviour using this utility.
 * Interpolation functionality available at different levels of abstraction.
 * Low level access via individual easing functions (ex. EaseInOutCirc),
 * Bezier(), and CatmullRom(). High level access using sequence generators,
 * NewEase(), NewBezier(), and NewCatmullRom().
 * Sequence generators are typically used as follows:
 * IEnumerable<Vector3> sequence = Interpolate.New[Ease|Bezier|CatmulRom](configuration);
 * foreach (Vector3 newPoint in sequence) {
 *   transform.position = newPoint;
 *   yield return WaitForSeconds(1.0f);
 * }
 * Or:
 * IEnumerator<Vector3> sequence = Interpolate.New[Ease|Bezier|CatmulRom](configuration).GetEnumerator();
 * function Update() {
 *   if (sequence.MoveNext()) {
 *     transform.position = sequence.Current;
 *   }
 * }
 * The low level functions work similarly to Unity's built in Lerp and it is
 * up to you to track and pass in elapsedTime and duration on every call. The
 * functions take this form (or the logical equivalent for Bezier() and CatmullRom()).
 * transform.position = ease(start, distance, elapsedTime, duration);
 * For convenience in configuration you can use the Ease(EaseType) function to
 * look up a concrete easing function:
 *  [SerializeField]
 *  Interpolate.EaseType easeType; // set using Unity's property inspector
 *  Interpolate.Function ease; // easing of a particular EaseType
 * function Awake() {
 *   ease = Interpolate.Ease(easeType);
 * }
 * @author Fernando Zapata (fernando@cpudreams.com)
 * @Traduzione Andrea85cs (andrea85cs@dynematica.it)
public class Interpolate {
 * Different methods of easing interpolation.
    public enum EaseType {
    * Sequence of eleapsedTimes until elapsedTime is >= duration.
    * Note: elapsedTimes are calculated using the value of Time.deltatTime each
    * time a value is requested.
    static Vector3 Identity(Vector3 v) {
        return v;
    static Vector3 TransformDotPosition(Transform t) {
        return t.position;
    static IEnumerable<float> NewTimer(float duration) {
        float elapsedTime = 0.0f;
        while (elapsedTime < duration) {
            yield return elapsedTime;
            elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
            // make sure last value is never skipped
            if (elapsedTime >= duration) {
                yield return elapsedTime;
    public delegate Vector3 ToVector3<T>(T v);
    public delegate float Function(float a, float b, float c, float d);
     * Generates sequence of integers from start to end (inclusive) one step
     * at a time.
    static IEnumerable<float> NewCounter(int start, int end, int step) {
        for (int i = start; i <= end; i += step) {
            yield return i;
     * Returns sequence generator from start to end over duration using the
     * given easing function. The sequence is generated as it is accessed
     * using the Time.deltaTime to calculate the portion of duration that has
     * elapsed.
    public static IEnumerator NewEase(Function ease, Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float duration) {
        IEnumerable<float> timer = Interpolate.NewTimer(duration);
        return NewEase(ease, start, end, duration, timer);
     * Instead of easing based on time, generate n interpolated points (slices)
     * between the start and end positions.
    public static IEnumerator NewEase(Function ease, Vector3 start, Vector3 end, int slices) {
        IEnumerable<float> counter = Interpolate.NewCounter(0, slices + 1, 1);
        return NewEase(ease, start, end, slices + 1, counter);
     * Generic easing sequence generator used to implement the time and
     * slice variants. Normally you would not use this function directly.
    static IEnumerator NewEase(Function ease, Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float total, IEnumerable<float> driver) {
        Vector3 distance = end - start;
        foreach (float i in driver) {
            yield return Ease(ease, start, distance, i, total);
     * Vector3 interpolation using given easing method. Easing is done independently
     * on all three vector axis.
    static Vector3 Ease(Function ease, Vector3 start, Vector3 distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        start.x = ease(start.x, distance.x, elapsedTime, duration);
        start.y = ease(start.y, distance.y, elapsedTime, duration);
        start.z = ease(start.z, distance.z, elapsedTime, duration);
        return start;
     * Returns the static method that implements the given easing type for scalars.
     * Use this method to easily switch between easing interpolation types.
     * All easing methods clamp elapsedTime so that it is always <= duration.
     * var ease = Interpolate.Ease(EaseType.EaseInQuad);
     * i = ease(start, distance, elapsedTime, duration);
    public static Function Ease(EaseType type) {
        // Source Flash easing functions:
        // http://gizma.com/easing/
        // http://www.robertpenner.com/easing/easing_demo.html
        // Changed to use more friendly variable names, that follow my Lerp
        // conventions:
        // start = b (start value)
        // distance = c (change in value)
        // elapsedTime = t (current time)
        // duration = d (time duration)
        Function f = null;
        switch (type) {
            case EaseType.Linear: f = Interpolate.Linear; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInQuad: f = Interpolate.EaseInQuad; break;
            case EaseType.EaseOutQuad: f = Interpolate.EaseOutQuad; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInOutQuad: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutQuad; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInCubic: f = Interpolate.EaseInCubic; break;
            case EaseType.EaseOutCubic: f = Interpolate.EaseOutCubic; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInOutCubic: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutCubic; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInQuart: f = Interpolate.EaseInQuart; break;
            case EaseType.EaseOutQuart: f = Interpolate.EaseOutQuart; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInOutQuart: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutQuart; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInQuint: f = Interpolate.EaseInQuint; break;
            case EaseType.EaseOutQuint: f = Interpolate.EaseOutQuint; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInOutQuint: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutQuint; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInSine: f = Interpolate.EaseInSine; break;
            case EaseType.EaseOutSine: f = Interpolate.EaseOutSine; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInOutSine: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutSine; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInExpo: f = Interpolate.EaseInExpo; break;
            case EaseType.EaseOutExpo: f = Interpolate.EaseOutExpo; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInOutExpo: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutExpo; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInCirc: f = Interpolate.EaseInCirc; break;
            case EaseType.EaseOutCirc: f = Interpolate.EaseOutCirc; break;
            case EaseType.EaseInOutCirc: f = Interpolate.EaseInOutCirc; break;
        return f;
     * Returns sequence generator from the first node to the last node over
     * duration time using the points in-between the first and last node
     * as control points of a bezier curve used to generate the interpolated points
     * in the sequence. If there are no control points (ie. only two nodes, first
     * and last) then this behaves exactly the same as NewEase(). In other words
     * a zero-degree bezier spline curve is just the easing method. The sequence
     * is generated as it is accessed using the Time.deltaTime to calculate the
     * portion of duration that has elapsed.
    public static IEnumerable<Vector3> NewBezier(Function ease, Transform[] nodes, float duration) {
        IEnumerable<float> timer = Interpolate.NewTimer(duration);
        return NewBezier<Transform>(ease, nodes, TransformDotPosition, duration, timer);
     * Instead of interpolating based on time, generate n interpolated points
     * (slices) between the first and last node.
    public static IEnumerable<Vector3> NewBezier(Function ease, Transform[] nodes, int slices) {
        IEnumerable<float> counter = NewCounter(0, slices + 1, 1);
        return NewBezier<Transform>(ease, nodes, TransformDotPosition, slices + 1, counter);
     * A Vector3[] variation of the Transform[] NewBezier() function.
     * Same functionality but using Vector3s to define bezier curve.
    public static IEnumerable<Vector3> NewBezier(Function ease, Vector3[] points, float duration) {
        IEnumerable<float> timer = NewTimer(duration);
        return NewBezier<Vector3>(ease, points, Identity, duration, timer);
     * A Vector3[] variation of the Transform[] NewBezier() function.
     * Same functionality but using Vector3s to define bezier curve.
    public static IEnumerable<Vector3> NewBezier(Function ease, Vector3[] points, int slices) {
        IEnumerable<float> counter = NewCounter(0, slices + 1, 1);
        return NewBezier<Vector3>(ease, points, Identity, slices + 1, counter);
     * Generic bezier spline sequence generator used to implement the time and
     * slice variants. Normally you would not use this function directly.
    static IEnumerable<Vector3> NewBezier<T>(Function ease, IList nodes, ToVector3<T> toVector3, float maxStep, IEnumerable<float> steps) {
        // need at least two nodes to spline between
        if (nodes.Count >= 2) {
            // copy nodes array since Bezier is destructive
            Vector3[] points = new Vector3[nodes.Count];
            foreach (float step in steps) {
                // re-initialize copy before each destructive call to Bezier
                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) {
                    points[i] = toVector3((T)nodes[i]);
                yield return Bezier(ease, points, step, maxStep);
                // make sure last value is always generated
     * A Vector3 n-degree bezier spline.
     * WARNING: The points array is modified by Bezier. See NewBezier() for a
     * safe and user friendly alternative.
     * You can pass zero control points, just the start and end points, for just
     * plain easing. In other words a zero-degree bezier spline curve is just the
     * easing method.
     * @param points start point, n control points, end point
    static Vector3 Bezier(Function ease, Vector3[] points, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // Reference: http://ibiblio.org/e-notes/Splines/Bezier.htm
        // Interpolate the n starting points to generate the next j = (n - 1) points,
        // then interpolate those n - 1 points to generate the next n - 2 points,
        // continue this until we have generated the last point (n - (n - 1)), j = 1.
        // We store the next set of output points in the same array as the
        // input points used to generate them. This works because we store the
        // result in the slot of the input point that is no longer used for this
        // iteration.
        for (int j = points.Length - 1; j > 0; j--) {
            for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
                points[i].x = ease(points[i].x, points[i + 1].x - points[i].x, elapsedTime, duration);
                points[i].y = ease(points[i].y, points[i + 1].y - points[i].y, elapsedTime, duration);
                points[i].z = ease(points[i].z, points[i + 1].z - points[i].z, elapsedTime, duration);
        return points[0];
     * Returns sequence generator from the first node, through each control point,
     * and to the last node. N points are generated between each node (slices)
     * using Catmull-Rom.
    public static IEnumerable<Vector3> NewCatmullRom(Transform[] nodes, int slices, bool loop) {
        return NewCatmullRom<Transform>(nodes, TransformDotPosition, slices, loop);
     * A Vector3[] variation of the Transform[] NewCatmullRom() function.
     * Same functionality but using Vector3s to define curve.
    public static IEnumerable<Vector3> NewCatmullRom(Vector3[] points, int slices, bool loop) {
        return NewCatmullRom<Vector3>(points, Identity, slices, loop);
     * Generic catmull-rom spline sequence generator used to implement the
     * Vector3[] and Transform[] variants. Normally you would not use this
     * function directly.
    static IEnumerable<Vector3> NewCatmullRom<T>(IList nodes, ToVector3<T> toVector3, int slices, bool loop) {
        // need at least two nodes to spline between
        if (nodes.Count >= 2) {
            // yield the first point explicitly, if looping the first point
            // will be generated again in the step for loop when interpolating
            // from last point back to the first point
            yield return toVector3((T)nodes[0]);
            int last = nodes.Count - 1;
            for (int current = 0; loop || current < last; current++) {
                // wrap around when looping
                if (loop && current > last) {
                    current = 0;
                // handle edge cases for looping and non-looping scenarios
                // when looping we wrap around, when not looping use start for previous
                // and end for next when you at the ends of the nodes array
                int previous = (current == 0) ? ((loop) ? last : current) : current - 1;
                int start = current;
                int end = (current == last) ? ((loop) ? 0 : current) : current + 1;
                int next = (end == last) ? ((loop) ? 0 : end) : end + 1;
                // adding one guarantees yielding at least the end point
                int stepCount = slices + 1;
                for (int step = 1; step <= stepCount; step++) {
                    yield return CatmullRom(toVector3((T)nodes[previous]),
                                     step, stepCount);
     * A Vector3 Catmull-Rom spline. Catmull-Rom splines are similar to bezier
     * splines but have the useful property that the generated curve will go
     * through each of the control points.
     * NOTE: The NewCatmullRom() functions are an easier to use alternative to this
     * raw Catmull-Rom implementation.
     * @param previous the point just before the start point or the start point
     *                 itself if no previous point is available
     * @param start generated when elapsedTime == 0
     * @param end generated when elapsedTime >= duration
     * @param next the point just after the end point or the end point itself if no
     *             next point is available
    static Vector3 CatmullRom(Vector3 previous, Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Vector3 next, 
                                float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // References used:
        // p.266 GemsV1
        // tension is often set to 0.5 but you can use any reasonable value:
        // http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~462/projects/assn2/assn2/catmullRom.pdf
        // bias and tension controls:
        // http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/miscellaneous/interpolation/
        float percentComplete = elapsedTime / duration;
        float percentCompleteSquared = percentComplete * percentComplete;
        float percentCompleteCubed = percentCompleteSquared * percentComplete;
        return previous * (-0.5f * percentCompleteCubed +
                                   percentCompleteSquared -
                            0.5f * percentComplete) +
                start   * ( 1.5f * percentCompleteCubed +
                           -2.5f * percentCompleteSquared + 1.0f) +
                end     * (-1.5f * percentCompleteCubed +
                            2.0f * percentCompleteSquared +
                            0.5f * percentComplete) +
                next    * ( 0.5f * percentCompleteCubed -
                            0.5f * percentCompleteSquared);
     * Linear interpolation (same as Mathf.Lerp)
    static float Linear(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime to be <= duration
        if (elapsedTime > duration) { elapsedTime = duration; }
        return distance * (elapsedTime / duration) + start;
     * quadratic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
    static float EaseInQuad(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0f : elapsedTime / duration;
        return distance * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + start;
     * quadratic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
    static float EaseOutQuad(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0f : elapsedTime / duration;
        return -distance * elapsedTime * (elapsedTime - 2) + start;
     * quadratic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
    static float EaseInOutQuad(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 2.0f : elapsedTime / (duration / 2);
        if (elapsedTime < 1) return distance / 2 * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + start;
        return -distance / 2 * (elapsedTime * (elapsedTime - 2) - 1) + start;
     * cubic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
    static float EaseInCubic(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0f : elapsedTime / duration;
        return distance * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + start;
     * cubic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
    static float EaseOutCubic(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0f : elapsedTime / duration;
        return distance * (elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + 1) + start;
     * cubic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
    static float EaseInOutCubic(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 2.0f : elapsedTime / (duration / 2);
        if (elapsedTime < 1) return distance / 2 * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + start;
        elapsedTime -= 2;
        return distance / 2 * (elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + 2) + start;
     * quartic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
    static float EaseInQuart(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0f : elapsedTime / duration;
        return distance * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + start;
     * quartic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
    static float EaseOutQuart(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0f : elapsedTime / duration;
        return -distance * (elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime - 1) + start;
     * quartic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
    static float EaseInOutQuart(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 2.0f : elapsedTime / (duration / 2);
        if (elapsedTime < 1) return distance / 2 * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + start;
        elapsedTime -= 2;
        return -distance / 2 * (elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime - 2) + start;
     * quintic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
    static float EaseInQuint(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0f : elapsedTime / duration;
        return distance * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + start;
     * quintic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
    static float EaseOutQuint(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0f : elapsedTime / duration;
        return distance * (elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + 1) + start;
     * quintic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
    static float EaseInOutQuint(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 2.0f : elapsedTime / (duration / 2f);
        if (elapsedTime < 1) return distance / 2 * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + start;
        elapsedTime -= 2;
        return distance / 2 * (elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime * elapsedTime + 2) + start;
     * sinusoidal easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
    static float EaseInSine(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime to be <= duration
        if (elapsedTime > duration) { elapsedTime = duration; }
        return -distance * Mathf.Cos(elapsedTime / duration * (Mathf.PI / 2)) + distance + start;
     * sinusoidal easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
    static float EaseOutSine(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        if (elapsedTime > duration) { elapsedTime = duration; }
        return distance * Mathf.Sin(elapsedTime / duration * (Mathf.PI / 2)) + start;
     * sinusoidal easing in/out - accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
    static float EaseInOutSine(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime to be <= duration
        if (elapsedTime > duration) { elapsedTime = duration; }
        return -distance / 2 * (Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * elapsedTime / duration) - 1) + start;
     * exponential easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
    static float EaseInExpo(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime to be <= duration
        if (elapsedTime > duration) { elapsedTime = duration; }
        return distance * Mathf.Pow(2, 10 * (elapsedTime / duration - 1)) + start;
     * exponential easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
    static float EaseOutExpo(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime to be <= duration
        if (elapsedTime > duration) { elapsedTime = duration; }
        return distance * (-Mathf.Pow(2, -10 * elapsedTime / duration) + 1) + start;
     * exponential easing in/out - accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
    static float EaseInOutExpo(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 2.0f : elapsedTime / (duration / 2);
        if (elapsedTime < 1) return distance / 2 *  Mathf.Pow(2, 10 * (elapsedTime - 1)) + start;
        return distance / 2 * (-Mathf.Pow(2, -10 * elapsedTime) + 2) + start;
     * circular easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
    static float EaseInCirc(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0f : elapsedTime / duration;
        return -distance * (Mathf.Sqrt(1 - elapsedTime * elapsedTime) - 1) + start;
     * circular easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
    static float EaseOutCirc(float start, float distance, float elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 1.0f : elapsedTime / duration;
        return distance * Mathf.Sqrt(1 - elapsedTime * elapsedTime) + start;
     * circular easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
    static float EaseInOutCirc(float start, float distance, float
                         elapsedTime, float duration) {
        // clamp elapsedTime so that it cannot be greater than duration
        elapsedTime = (elapsedTime > duration) ? 2.0f : elapsedTime / (duration / 2);
        if (elapsedTime < 1) return -distance / 2 * (Mathf.Sqrt(1 - elapsedTime * elapsedTime) - 1) + start;
        elapsedTime -= 2;
        return distance / 2 * (Mathf.Sqrt(1 - elapsedTime * elapsedTime) + 1) + start;

출처 : http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/Interpolate

Posted by blueasa
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