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04-29 00:03

링크 : http://blog.naver.com/clater11/


'Unity3D' 카테고리의 다른 글

유니티에 툴바 만들기..  (0) 2012.10.15
유니티에서 툴 만들기  (0) 2012.10.12
Visual Studio C# Integration  (0) 2012.10.05
유니티 강좌  (0) 2012.10.03
유니티 코리아 공식 홈페이지  (0) 2012.08.21
Posted by blueasa
, |


Unity3D/Effect / 2012. 10. 11. 16:47


Author: user:AnomalousUnderdog




A smoothed TrailRenderer meant for melee weapons of animated 3d models. Based on TimeBasedTrailRenderer by Forest Johnson (Yoggy) and xyber.

The MeleeWeaponTrail in action.


Attach the MeleeWeaponTrail script to the bone of your 3d model where the weapon is mounted. Add a child game object to that which designates the tip of the weapon, and assign the values in the inspector. I've included a helper script to tell when the MeleeWeaponTrail should emit or not based on the animation's frames.

Uncomment "#define USE_INTERPOLATION" to smooth out the trail but note you need the Interpolate script present in your project to use it.

Without smoothing

With smoothing

Use this texture as a template:


C# - MeleeWeaponTrail.cs

// By Anomalous Underdog, 2011
// Based on code made by Forest Johnson (Yoggy) and xyber
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class MeleeWeaponTrail : MonoBehaviour
	bool _emit = true;
	public bool Emit { set{_emit = value;} }
	float _emitTime = 0.00f;
	Material _material;
	float _lifeTime = 1.00f;
	Color[] _colors;
	float[] _sizes;
	float _minVertexDistance = 0.10f;
	float _maxVertexDistance = 10.00f;
	float _maxAngle = 3.00f;
	bool _autoDestruct = false;
	int subdivisions = 4;
	Transform _base;
	Transform _tip;
	List<Point> _points = new List<Point>();
	List<Point> _smoothedPoints = new List<Point>();
	GameObject _o;
	Mesh _trailMesh;
	Vector3 _lastPosition;
	Vector3 _lastCameraPosition1;
	Vector3 _lastCameraPosition2;
	bool _lastFrameEmit = true;
	public class Point
		public float timeCreated = 0.00f;
		public Vector3 basePosition;
		public Vector3 tipPosition;
		public bool lineBreak = false;
	void Start()
		_lastPosition = transform.position;
		_o = new GameObject("Trail");
		_o.transform.parent = null;
		_o.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
		_o.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
		_o.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
		_o.renderer.material = _material;
		_trailMesh = new Mesh();
		_trailMesh.name = name + "TrailMesh";
		_o.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = _trailMesh;
	void OnDisable()
	void Update()
		if (_emit && _emitTime != 0)
			_emitTime -= Time.deltaTime;
			if (_emitTime == 0) _emitTime = -1;
			if (_emitTime < 0) _emit = false;
		if (!_emit && _points.Count == 0 && _autoDestruct)
		// early out if there is no camera
		if (!Camera.main) return;
		// if we have moved enough, create a new vertex and make sure we rebuild the mesh
		float theDistance = (_lastPosition - transform.position).magnitude;
		if (_emit)
			if (theDistance > _minVertexDistance)
				bool make = false;
				if (_points.Count < 3)
					make = true;
					//Vector3 l1 = _points[_points.Count - 2].basePosition - _points[_points.Count - 3].basePosition;
					//Vector3 l2 = _points[_points.Count - 1].basePosition - _points[_points.Count - 2].basePosition;
					Vector3 l1 = _points[_points.Count - 2].tipPosition - _points[_points.Count - 3].tipPosition;
					Vector3 l2 = _points[_points.Count - 1].tipPosition - _points[_points.Count - 2].tipPosition;
					if (Vector3.Angle(l1, l2) > _maxAngle || theDistance > _maxVertexDistance) make = true;
				if (make)
					Point p = new Point();
					p.basePosition = _base.position;
					p.tipPosition = _tip.position;
					p.timeCreated = Time.time;
					_lastPosition = transform.position;
					if (_points.Count == 1)
					else if (_points.Count > 1)
						// add 1+subdivisions for every possible pair in the _points
						for (int n = 0; n < 1+subdivisions; ++n)
					// we use 4 control points for the smoothing
					if (_points.Count >= 4)
						Vector3[] tipPoints = new Vector3[4];
						tipPoints[0] = _points[_points.Count - 4].tipPosition;
						tipPoints[1] = _points[_points.Count - 3].tipPosition;
						tipPoints[2] = _points[_points.Count - 2].tipPosition;
						tipPoints[3] = _points[_points.Count - 1].tipPosition;
						//IEnumerable<Vector3> smoothTip = Interpolate.NewBezier(Interpolate.Ease(Interpolate.EaseType.Linear), tipPoints, subdivisions);
						IEnumerable<Vector3> smoothTip = Interpolate.NewCatmullRom(tipPoints, subdivisions, false);
						Vector3[] basePoints = new Vector3[4];
						basePoints[0] = _points[_points.Count - 4].basePosition;
						basePoints[1] = _points[_points.Count - 3].basePosition;
						basePoints[2] = _points[_points.Count - 2].basePosition;
						basePoints[3] = _points[_points.Count - 1].basePosition;
						//IEnumerable<Vector3> smoothBase = Interpolate.NewBezier(Interpolate.Ease(Interpolate.EaseType.Linear), basePoints, subdivisions);
						IEnumerable<Vector3> smoothBase = Interpolate.NewCatmullRom(basePoints, subdivisions, false);
						List<Vector3> smoothTipList = new List<Vector3>(smoothTip);
						List<Vector3> smoothBaseList = new List<Vector3>(smoothBase);
						float firstTime = _points[_points.Count - 4].timeCreated;
						float secondTime = _points[_points.Count - 1].timeCreated;
						//Debug.Log(" smoothTipList.Count: " + smoothTipList.Count);
						for (int n = 0; n < smoothTipList.Count; ++n)
							int idx = _smoothedPoints.Count - (smoothTipList.Count-n);
							// there are moments when the _smoothedPoints are lesser
							// than what is required, when elements from it are removed
							if (idx > -1 && idx < _smoothedPoints.Count)
								Point sp = new Point();
								sp.basePosition = smoothBaseList[n];
								sp.tipPosition = smoothTipList[n];
								sp.timeCreated = Mathf.Lerp(firstTime, secondTime, (float)n/smoothTipList.Count);
								_smoothedPoints[idx] = sp;
							//	Debug.LogError(idx + "/" + _smoothedPoints.Count);
					_points[_points.Count - 1].basePosition = _base.position;
					_points[_points.Count - 1].tipPosition = _tip.position;
					//_points[_points.Count - 1].timeCreated = Time.time;
					_smoothedPoints[_smoothedPoints.Count - 1].basePosition = _base.position;
					_smoothedPoints[_smoothedPoints.Count - 1].tipPosition = _tip.position;
				if (_points.Count > 0)
					_points[_points.Count - 1].basePosition = _base.position;
					_points[_points.Count - 1].tipPosition = _tip.position;
					//_points[_points.Count - 1].timeCreated = Time.time;
				if (_smoothedPoints.Count > 0)
					_smoothedPoints[_smoothedPoints.Count - 1].basePosition = _base.position;
					_smoothedPoints[_smoothedPoints.Count - 1].tipPosition = _tip.position;
		if (!_emit && _lastFrameEmit && _points.Count > 0)
			_points[_points.Count - 1].lineBreak = true;
		_lastFrameEmit = _emit;
		List<Point> remove = new List<Point>();
		foreach (Point p in _points)
			// cull old points first
			if (Time.time - p.timeCreated > _lifeTime)
		foreach (Point p in remove)
		remove = new List<Point>();
		foreach (Point p in _smoothedPoints)
			// cull old points first
			if (Time.time - p.timeCreated > _lifeTime)
		foreach (Point p in remove)
		List<Point> pointsToUse = _smoothedPoints;
		List<Point> pointsToUse = _points;
		if (pointsToUse.Count > 1)
			Vector3[] newVertices = new Vector3[pointsToUse.Count * 2];
			Vector2[] newUV = new Vector2[pointsToUse.Count * 2];
			int[] newTriangles = new int[(pointsToUse.Count - 1) * 6];
			Color[] newColors = new Color[pointsToUse.Count * 2];
			for (int n = 0; n < pointsToUse.Count; ++n)
				Point p = pointsToUse[n];
				float time = (Time.time - p.timeCreated) / _lifeTime;
				Color color = Color.Lerp(Color.white, Color.clear, time);
				if (_colors != null && _colors.Length > 0)
					float colorTime = time * (_colors.Length - 1);
					float min = Mathf.Floor(colorTime);
					float max = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Ceil(colorTime), 1, _colors.Length - 1);
					float lerp = Mathf.InverseLerp(min, max, colorTime);
					if (min >= _colors.Length) min = _colors.Length - 1; if (min < 0) min = 0;
					if (max >= _colors.Length) max = _colors.Length - 1; if (max < 0) max = 0;
					color = Color.Lerp(_colors[(int)min], _colors[(int)max], lerp);
				float size = 0f;
				if (_sizes != null && _sizes.Length > 0)
					float sizeTime = time * (_sizes.Length - 1);
					float min = Mathf.Floor(sizeTime);
					float max = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Ceil(sizeTime), 1, _sizes.Length - 1);
					float lerp = Mathf.InverseLerp(min, max, sizeTime);
					if (min >= _sizes.Length) min = _sizes.Length - 1; if (min < 0) min = 0;
					if (max >= _sizes.Length) max = _sizes.Length - 1; if (max < 0) max = 0;
					size = Mathf.Lerp(_sizes[(int)min], _sizes[(int)max], lerp);
				Vector3 lineDirection = p.tipPosition - p.basePosition;
				newVertices[n * 2] = p.basePosition - (lineDirection * (size * 0.5f));
				newVertices[(n * 2) + 1] = p.tipPosition + (lineDirection * (size * 0.5f));
				newColors[n * 2] = newColors[(n * 2) + 1] = color;
				float uvRatio = (float)n/pointsToUse.Count;
				newUV[n * 2] = new Vector2(uvRatio, 0);
				newUV[(n * 2) + 1] = new Vector2(uvRatio, 1);
				if (n > 0 /*&& !pointsToUse[n - 1].lineBreak*/)
					newTriangles[(n - 1) * 6] = (n * 2) - 2;
					newTriangles[((n - 1) * 6) + 1] = (n * 2) - 1;
					newTriangles[((n - 1) * 6) + 2] = n * 2;
					newTriangles[((n - 1) * 6) + 3] = (n * 2) + 1;
					newTriangles[((n - 1) * 6) + 4] = n * 2;
					newTriangles[((n - 1) * 6) + 5] = (n * 2) - 1;
			_trailMesh.vertices = newVertices;
			_trailMesh.colors = newColors;
			_trailMesh.uv = newUV;
			_trailMesh.triangles = newTriangles;

C# - SwooshTest.cs

A sample helper script to make MeleeWeaponTrail start and stop emitting automatically based on an animation being played. Attach this script to where your 3d model's animation component is. Assign which attack animation is used, specify the start and end frames, and attach the MeleeWeaponTrail that you created earlier.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class SwooshTest : MonoBehaviour
	AnimationClip _animation;
	AnimationState _animationState;
	int _start = 0;
	int _end = 0;
	float _startN = 0.0f;
	float _endN = 0.0f;
	float _time = 0.0f;
	float _prevTime = 0.0f;
	float _prevAnimTime = 0.0f;
	MeleeWeaponTrail _trail;
	bool _firstFrame = true;
	void Start()
		float frames = _animation.frameRate * _animation.length;
		_startN = _start/frames;
		_endN = _end/frames;
		_animationState = animation[_animation.name];
		_trail.Emit = false;
	void Update()
		_time += _animationState.normalizedTime - _prevAnimTime;
		if (_time > 1.0f || _firstFrame)
			if (!_firstFrame)
				_time -= 1.0f;
			_firstFrame = false;
		if (_prevTime < _startN && _time >= _startN)
			_trail.Emit = true;
		else if (_prevTime < _endN && _time >= _endN)
			_trail.Emit = false;
		_prevTime = _time;
		_prevAnimTime = _animationState.normalizedTime;

출처 : http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/MeleeWeaponTrail


'Unity3D > Effect' 카테고리의 다른 글

파티클 한 번만 사용하고 종료하기  (0) 2012.11.08
Scrolling UVs  (0) 2012.11.08
Posted by blueasa
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Visual Studio C# Integration

Unity3D / 2012. 10. 5. 05:13

Unity3D 버전 : 3.5.6f4

O/S : Win7 x64

유니티에 Visual Studio 연동해보려고 이리저리 찾아봤다.

우선 셋팅할 건 아래 한가지..

Edit-Preferences..-External Tools로 가서 External Script Editor를 Visual Studio로 바꾼다.

유니티위키의 설명으로보면 더블클릭으로 스크립트가 VS에서 열릴려면 VS를 Pro 이상 버전을 사용해야 된다.

유니티위키(http://unitykoreawiki.com/index.php?n=KrMain.VisualStudioIntegration)에서 참조해서 따라해보면 되긴한데..

- 유니티 메뉴에서 Assets->Sync VisualStudio Project를 선택합니다.

라고 적혀있는데, 현재 사용하는 버전인 3.5.6f4에서는 Sync MonoDevelop Project라고만 뜬다.

혹시나 해서 눌러보니 VisualStudio용 프로젝트가 생성된다.

셋팅 후에 메뉴가 변경 안되는 버그인지..

아무튼 넘어가자..

[Sync MonoDevelop Project] 를 실행하고 해당 폴더를 찾아가보니 아래와같이 파일들이 생성돼 있다.

실행해보니 새로 빈 프로젝트를 만들어서 해본거라 빈 솔루션만 있었다.

우선 이래 된다는거 보고 만족..

찾아보다 다른 분 글을 보니 코딩은 VS에서 하고, 디버깅(VS에서 브레이크 포인트는 안걸려서 MonoDevelop도 같이 켜서 브레이크 포인트는 MonoDevelop에서 한다고 한다.)하는걸 봐서 링크 걸어 둠.

링크 : http://kongpill.tistory.com/entry/unity-3d-visual-studio-2010


'Unity3D' 카테고리의 다른 글

유니티에서 툴 만들기  (0) 2012.10.12
[링크] 유니티 관련 사이트  (0) 2012.10.12
유니티 강좌  (0) 2012.10.03
유니티 코리아 공식 홈페이지  (0) 2012.08.21
[삽질] Unity3D 설치  (0) 2012.06.30
Posted by blueasa
, |

링크 : http://stnzone.com/gboard/blog/?id=1763

Posted by blueasa
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유니티 강좌

Unity3D / 2012. 10. 3. 03:42

링크 : http://www.unity3dstudy.com/


'Unity3D' 카테고리의 다른 글

유니티에서 툴 만들기  (0) 2012.10.12
[링크] 유니티 관련 사이트  (0) 2012.10.12
Visual Studio C# Integration  (0) 2012.10.05
유니티 코리아 공식 홈페이지  (0) 2012.08.21
[삽질] Unity3D 설치  (0) 2012.06.30
Posted by blueasa
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'Unity3D' 카테고리의 다른 글

유니티에서 툴 만들기  (0) 2012.10.12
[링크] 유니티 관련 사이트  (0) 2012.10.12
Visual Studio C# Integration  (0) 2012.10.05
유니티 강좌  (0) 2012.10.03
[삽질] Unity3D 설치  (0) 2012.06.30
Posted by blueasa
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[삽질] Unity3D 설치

Unity3D / 2012. 6. 30. 23:05

전에 아이폰/안드로이드 포팅 엔진 공짜로 받은 게 있어서 이참에 깔아볼려고 유니티를 받았다.

설치를 하고 라이센스 등록을 하려는 데 '인터넷 활성화(Internet Activation)'가 아래 스샷과 같이 인증서 날짜 만료 어쩌고 하면서 진행이 되지 않았다.

(인터넷 활성화 설치 방법 설명 링크 : http://www.masque.kr/free/50300)

                          [인터넷 활성화 시도 했는데 에러남..뭘까..-_-;]

그래서 '수동 활성화(Manual Activation)'를 하려하니..

뭐시기 파일 어쩌고 하면서 잘 모르겠다..

그래서 찾아보니

http://korea.unity3d.com/board/?db=licensefaq 에 '유니티 라이센스 수동 등록하는 방법 (Manual Activation)' 이 떡하니 있다.

설명대로 진행해서 깔았다.

인터넷에 이리저리 좀 뒤져봐도 '인터넷 활성화'로만 설명이 돼 있는것 같다.

잠시 삽질해서 기록 남기기..

[설치 끝내고 첫화면 스샷..]

P.s. 인증서 날짜 만료 어쩌고는 자료를 못찾겠다. 짜증나지만 그냥 넘어가야지..


'Unity3D' 카테고리의 다른 글

유니티에서 툴 만들기  (0) 2012.10.12
[링크] 유니티 관련 사이트  (0) 2012.10.12
Visual Studio C# Integration  (0) 2012.10.05
유니티 강좌  (0) 2012.10.03
유니티 코리아 공식 홈페이지  (0) 2012.08.21
Posted by blueasa
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