블로그 이미지
Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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'3d'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2015.01.20 유니티 3D상에서 WebView 띄우기

참조1 : http://www.devkorea.co.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=m03_qna&wr_id=29578

참조2 : http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/HtmlTexturePlugin

참조3 : http://labs.awesomium.com/unity3d-integration-tutorial-part-1/


'Unity3D > Plugins' 카테고리의 다른 글

UniWebView - Integrating WebView to your mobile games in a simple way  (0) 2015.01.21
Unity3D WebView  (0) 2015.01.21
Loading DDS, BMP, TGA and other textures via WWW class in Unity3d  (0) 2014.04.11
Log Viewer  (0) 2014.01.09
Mobile Movie Texture  (0) 2013.12.03
Posted by blueasa
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