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'AppIconChangerUnity'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2024.03.22 [펌] AppIconChangerUnity - Change the app icon dynamically in Unity (iOS only)


Change the app icon dynamically in Unity
Support for new icon formats in Xcode13
-> This means that A/B Test on AppStore is also supported.

- iOS only, require iOS 10.3 or later

## Instructions
- Import by PackageManager `https://github.com/kyubuns/AppIconChangerUnity.git?path=Assets/AppIconChanger`
- (Optional) You can import a demo scene on PackageManager.

## Quickstart

- Create `AppIconChanger > AlternateIcon` from the context menu

- Set the name and icon

- The following methods are available

## Tips

### What is the best size for the app icon?

When the Type of `AlternateIcon` is set to Auto Generate, the icon will be automatically resized at build time, so there is nothing to worry about. (The maximum size is 1024px.)
If you want to control it in detail, you can change the Type to Manual.

## Requirements
- Unity 2020.3 or higher.
- Xcode 13 or higher.

## License
MIT License (see LICENSE)



[출처] https://forum.unity.com/threads/appiconchangerunity-change-the-app-icon-dynamically-in-unity-ios-only.1245787/


AppIconChangerUnity - Change the app icon dynamically in Unity (iOS only)

AppIconChangerUnity https://github.com/kyubuns/AppIconChangerUnity Change the app icon dynamically in Unity Support for new icon formats in Xcode13 ->...



Posted by blueasa
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