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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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'BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShipDeleter'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2023.02.10 [에디터확장] BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShipDeleter

Unity 2021.3.16f1

Burst 1.6.6



유니티에서 필요한 에셋을 추가(Magica Cloth)하니 Package Manager에서 Burst도 추가를 요구한다.

추가하고 빌드하니 아래와 같은 폴더를 자동생성하고 있다.


[폴더명 예시] BuildName_BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShipDeleter


그래서 이전에 했던방식과 같이 OnPostprocessBuild에서 빌드 후 삭제하기로 함


using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Build;
using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting;

/// <summary>
/// Burst 관련 빌드 후 생성되는 백업 폴더 삭제
/// </summary>
public sealed class BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShipDeleter : IPostprocessBuildWithReport
    public int callbackOrder => 0;
    // 확정된 폴더명은 readonly 변수로 만듬
    private readonly string m_strBurstDebugInformation_DoNotShip = "BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShip";

    public void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildReport report)
        var summary = report.summary;
        var platform = summary.platform;

        if (platform != BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows 
            && platform != BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64
            && platform != BuildTarget.Android  // Android 플랫폼에서도 작동하도록 추가
            && platform != BuildTarget.iOS)     // iOS 플랫폼에서도 작동하도록 추가

        if (summary.options.HasFlag(BuildOptions.Development))

        var outputPath = summary.outputPath;
        var outputDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath);

        // 빌드 폴더 이름이 FileName을 따라가서 FileName을 폴더명으로 쓰도록 수정
        var outputFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputPath);
        //var productName = PlayerSettings.productName;

        var backUpThisFolderPath = $"{outputDirectoryPath}/{outputFileName}_{m_strBurstDebugInformation_DoNotShip}";

        if (!Directory.Exists(backUpThisFolderPath))

        Directory.Delete(backUpThisFolderPath, true);


[참조] https://forum.unity.com/threads/burstdebuginformation_donotship-in-builds.1172273/


BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShip in builds

After a fairly recent update to Burst, I'm not seeing a folder named this in my builds: Gravia_BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShip A couple of questions:...



Posted by blueasa
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