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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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'DisplayWizard'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2012.12.04 DisplayWizard(에디터로 쓸모가 많을 듯 한..)


static function DisplayWizard.<T> (title : String) : T


TThe class implementing the wizard. It has to derive from ScriptableWizard.
titleThe title shown at the top of the wizard window.


T - The wizard.


Creates a wizard.

When the user hits the Create button OnWizardCreate function will be called. DisplayWizard will only show one wizard for every wizard class.

Simple Wizard Window that copies a GameObject several times.

// C#
// Simple Wizard that clones an object.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;

public class ScriptableWizardDisplayWizard : ScriptableWizard {

public GameObject ObjectToCopy = null;
public int numberOfCopies = 2;
[MenuItem ("Example/Show DisplayWizard usage")]
static void CreateWindow() {
// Creates the wizard for display
ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard("Copy an object.",
void OnWizardUpdate() {
helpString = "Clones an object a number of times";
if(!ObjectToCopy) {
errorString = "Please assign an object";
isValid = false;
} else {
errorString = "";
isValid = true;
void OnWizardCreate () {
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfCopies; i++)
Instantiate(ObjectToCopy, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);

static function DisplayWizard.<T> (title : String, createButtonName : String) : T

static function DisplayWizard.<T> (title : String, createButtonName : String, otherButtonName : String) : T

static function DisplayWizard (title : String, klass : System.Type, createButtonName : String = "Create", otherButtonName : String = "") : ScriptableWizard


TThe class implementing the wizard. It has to derive from ScriptableWizard.
titleThe title shown at the top of the wizard window.
classThe class implementing the wizard. It has to derive from ScriptableWizard.
createButtonNameThe text shown on the create button.
otherButtonNameThe text shown on the optional other button. Leave this parameter out to leave the button out.


ScriptableWizard - The wizard.


Creates a wizard.

When the user hits the Create button OnWizardCreate function will be called. DisplayWizard will only show one wizard for every wizard class.

출처 : http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard.html


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Posted by blueasa
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