[펌] IOS SWIFT bitcode 오류 해결 (does not contain bitcode)
Unity3D/iOS / 2021. 1. 27. 14:18
ld: '/Users/tomykim/Documents/FacebookSDK/FacebookSDKs-iOS-4.28.0/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/FBSDKLoginKit(FBSDKLoginButton.o)' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
위와같은 오류메세지가 뜬다면
Build Settings 에서 Enable Bitcode를 "No"로 바꿔주세요.
출처: https://tom7930.tistory.com/50 [Dr.kim의 나를 위한 블로그]
IOS SWIFT bitcode 오류 해결 (does not contain bitcode)
ld: '/Users/tomykim/Documents/FacebookSDK/FacebookSDKs-iOS-4.28.0/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/FBSDKLoginKit(FBSDKLoginButton.o)' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode..
[참조] gigas-blog.tistory.com/236
# Xcode11 Version 11.6 (11E708) 을 사용하고 있습니다. 은행권 보안 솔루션을 적용중에 아래와 같은 오류가 발생하였습니다. ld: '/Users/gigas/Documents/...)' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it..
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