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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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'iPhone Not Available'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2020.12.08 [펌][xcode] iPhone Not Available. Please reconnect the device / Xcode 12.2 iOS 14.2


1. 아이폰 완전 종료 후, 재실행

1.1. Unpair Device 권장(Xcode - Window > Devices and Simulators > 해당 디바이스에서 우클릭 > Unpari Device)

2. 아이폰 케이블 연결해서 '신뢰' 체크

3. Xcode 다시 켜서 Devices and Simulators에 들어가서 에러 없는지 확인

4. 없으면 OK


Follow this: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/650077

Also make sure to shut down your iPhone, start it back up. 
Then I would also suggest unpairing the device from Xcode (Window > Devices Simulator....). 
And then Clean build folder, and quit and restart xcode again!



[출처] www.reddit.com/r/swift/comments/jtbcqa/iphone_not_available_please_reconnect_the_device/


iPhone Not Available. Please reconnect the device / Xcode 12.2 iOS 14.2

When I try to run my Xcode with my iPhone X I get this: iPhone Not Available. Please reconnect the device I've looked through and tried the...



Posted by blueasa
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