[Firebase] com.google.android.recaptcha:recaptcha:18.1.2 경고
[Google Play Store 경고 내용]
이 SDK 버전에는 SDK 개발자의 메모가 포함되어 있습니다. SDK 개발자가 신고한 내용은 다음과 같습니다.
A critical security vulnerability was discovered in reCAPTCHA Enterprise for Mobile. The vulnerability has been patched in the latest SDK release. Customers will need to update their Android application with the reCAPTCHA Enterprise for Mobile SDK, version 18.4.0 or above. We strongly recommend you update to the latest version as soon as possible.
Firebase 11.7.0(Firebase Android BoM version 32.7.1)에 수정됐다고 한다.
Firebase 11.7.0으로 버전업 하자.
[참조] https://velog.io/@hodu_angel/Firebase-com.google.android.recaptcharecaptcha18.1.2
[참조] https://github.com/firebase/firebase-android-sdk/issues/5638
reCAPTCHA Enterprise update · Issue #5638 · firebase/firebase-android-sdk
A critical security vulnerability was discovered in reCAPTCHA Enterprise for Mobile. The vulnerability has been patched in the latest SDK release. Customers will need to update their Android applic...
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