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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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dependency 걸려 있는 파일이 없다는 내용.

Unity에서 Firebase Analytics 패키지 추가 후에 해당 에러가 나서 이런 저런 테스트 결과 아래와 같이 해결 했음.


1) Assets >> Play Services Resolver >> Android Resolver >> Resolve 실행

2) Unity3D 에디터 재시작


[출처] https://github.com/firebase/quickstart-unity/issues/44


Authentication: "One or more Firebase dependencies are not present" · Issue #44 · firebase/quickstart-unity

When I start the authentication app in Android, I receive the error below: "One or more Firebase dependencies are not present. Current dependency status: UnavailableOther" Can someone hel...



Posted by blueasa
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