[Bug] Sourcetree 3.3.6 Refresh issue
윈도우10을 깔고 Sourcetree 3.3.6(현재 최신)을 깔았는데 Commit을 하거나 Fetch를 해도 UI가 갱신이 안돼서 F5를 눌러서 수동 갱신을 시켜주고 있다가 짜증나서 검색해보니 3.3.6 버그인 것 같다.
어쨌든 해결방법이 있길래 따라해보니 잘된다.
[Sourcetree 3.3.6 갱신 안되는 버그 해결방법]
Sourcetree 3.3.6 with windows 10 not updating UI contents or not refreshing views. If you want to see updated view then you need to restart app. any solution for this?
seems to be related to bookmarks. deleting it solves it, at least for me. found it here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Sourcetree-questions/Manual-refresh-required/qaq-p/1256362
how to delete bookmarks can be found here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/sourcetreekb/bookmarks-column-repository-browser-overview-781398414.html
[출처] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59819783/sourcetree-3-3-6-refresh-issue
Sourcetree 3.3.6 Refresh issue
Sourcetree 3.3.6 with windows 10 not updating UI contents or not refreshing views. If you want to see updated view then you need to restart app. any solution for this?