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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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Unity Singleton

Unity3D/Script / 2013. 3. 11. 10:58

Example :


public class GameMaster : MonoSingleton< GameMaster >
    public int difficulty = 0;
    public override void Init(){ difficulty = 5; }


You forgot a "using UnityEngine;" fixed. :P

using UnityEngine;
public class OtherClass: MonoBehaviour
    void Start(){ print( GameMaster.instance.difficulty ); } // 5

The code :

using UnityEngine;
public abstract class MonoSingleton<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoSingleton<T>
    private static T m_Instance = null;
    public static T instance
            // Instance requiered for the first time, we look for it
            if( m_Instance == null )
                m_Instance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(T)) as T;
                // Object not found, we create a temporary one
                if( m_Instance == null )
                    Debug.LogWarning("No instance of " + typeof(T).ToString() + ", a temporary one is created.");
                    m_Instance = new GameObject("Temp Instance of " + typeof(T).ToString(), typeof(T)).GetComponent<T>();
                    // Problem during the creation, this should not happen
                    if( m_Instance == null )
                        Debug.LogError("Problem during the creation of " + typeof(T).ToString());
            return m_Instance;
    // If no other monobehaviour request the instance in an awake function
    // executing before this one, no need to search the object.
    private void Awake()
        if( m_Instance == null )
            m_Instance = this as T;
    // This function is called when the instance is used the first time
    // Put all the initializations you need here, as you would do in Awake
    public virtual void Init(){}
    // Make sure the instance isn't referenced anymore when the user quit, just in case.
    private void OnApplicationQuit()
        m_Instance = null;

출처 : http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/Singleton

Posted by blueasa
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