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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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[링크] https://ms-dev.tistory.com/104


[flutter] GoogleAppMeasurement requires CocoaPods version >= 1.10.2, which is not satisfied by your current version, 1.10.1. Err

해당 프로젝트의 ios의 pod를 업데이트 해주면 해결된다. [해결방법] 터미널을 열고 아래 명령을 순서대로 입력한다. 1) 해당 프로젝트의 ios 경로로 이동 #> cd [프로젝트 경로]/ios 2) pod 업데이트 실



Posted by blueasa
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GoogleMobileAds iOS SDK 7.68 이상은 Firebase 7.x 이상에서 지원합니다.

Firebase 업데이트 하세요

Unity: 2019.4.8f1

AdMob v5.4.0

Firebase v6.16.1 (Messaging & Analytics)

Target minimum iOS Version 12.0


I can't build the project. XCode error:

../Libraries/Plugins/iOS/GADUAdLoader.h:5:9: 'GoogleMobileAds/GoogleMobileAds.h' file not found

When I trying to update pods terminal throw the next error:

[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "GoogleAppMeasurement":
  In Podfile:
    Firebase/Analytics (= 6.32.2) was resolved to 6.32.2, which depends on
      Firebase/Core (= 6.32.2) was resolved to 6.32.2, which depends on
        FirebaseAnalytics (= 6.8.2) was resolved to 6.8.2, which depends on
          GoogleAppMeasurement (= 6.8.2)

    Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK (~> 7.68) was resolved to 7.68.0, which depends on
      GoogleAppMeasurement (~> 7.0)


  1. Add 'pod 'GoogleAppMeasurement', '7.0'' to Podfile.


CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "GoogleAppMeasurement":
  In Podfile:
    Firebase/Analytics (= 6.32.2) was resolved to 6.32.2, which depends on
      Firebase/Core (= 6.32.2) was resolved to 6.32.2, which depends on
        FirebaseAnalytics (= 6.8.2) was resolved to 6.8.2, which depends on
          GoogleAppMeasurement (= 6.8.2)

    Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK (~> 7.68) was resolved to 7.68.0, which depends on
      GoogleAppMeasurement (~> 7.0)

    GoogleAppMeasurement (= 7.0)
  1. Uninstall and install cocoapods


Same error

Project Podfile

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs'
platform :ios, '12.0'

target 'UnityFramework' do
  pod 'Firebase/Analytics', '6.32.2'
  pod 'Firebase/Core', '6.32.2'
  pod 'Firebase/Messaging', '6.32.2'
  pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK', '~> 7.68'


How can I resolve this problem?




Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK version 7.68 is only compatible with Firebase 7.x. If you want to use Firebase 6.x, you need to use 7.67 or earlier.



[출처] stackoverflow.com/questions/64850730/unity-firebase-admob-conflict-googleappmeasurement


Unity Firebase + AdMob conflict (GoogleAppMeasurement)

Unity: 2019.4.8f1 AdMob v5.4.0 Firebase v6.16.1 (Messaging & Analytics) Target minimum iOS Version 12.0 Problem I can't build the project. XCode error: ../Libraries/Plugins/iOS/GADUAdLoader.h:5...



Posted by blueasa
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