[펌] [Xcode] Set 'Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries' in PostProcess
ITMS-90427을 처리하기 위해 확인해보니
Unity-iPhone의 Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries를 YES로 하고,
UnityFramework의 Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries를 NO로 하라고 한다.
빌드때마다 수동으로 하기는 그래서 Xcode PostProcessBuild로 처리하기로 함.
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
using UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode;
namespace Editor
public static class XcodeSwiftVersionPostProcess
public static void OnPostProcessBuild(BuildTarget buildTarget, string path)
if (buildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS)
private static void ModifyFrameworks(string path)
string projPath = PBXProject.GetPBXProjectPath(path);
var project = new PBXProject();
string mainTargetGuid = project.GetUnityMainTargetGuid();
foreach (var targetGuid in new[] { mainTargetGuid, project.GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid() })
project.SetBuildProperty(targetGuid, "ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES", "NO");
project.SetBuildProperty(mainTargetGuid, "ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES", "YES");
[출처] https://forum.unity.com/threads/2019-3-validation-on-upload-to-store-gives-unityframework-framework-contains-disallowed-file.751112/ - unity_Iu70XvRN7XIS4g의 댓글
2019.3 - validation on upload to store gives "UnityFramework.framework contains disallowed file"
App runs on phone normally. When trying to validate the app before uploading it to the store, this comes out: Invalid Bundle. The bundle at...
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