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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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'ShadowAndOutline'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2024.01.25 [펌] NGUI-UILabel : Shadow+Outline

Unity 2021.3.33f1

NGUI 2023.08.01



NGUI-UILabel의 Effect에서 Shadow와 Outline을 같이 적용하고 싶어서 찾아보고 올려둠.

UILabel에 세 곳에 소스 추가

public class UILabel : UIWidget
    [DoNotObfuscateNGUI] public enum Effect
        ShadowAndOutline,	// Add
    /// <summary>
    /// How many quads there are per printed character.
    /// </summary>

    public int quadsPerCharacter
            if (mEffectStyle == Effect.Shadow) return 2;
            else if (mEffectStyle == Effect.Outline) return 5;
            else if (mEffectStyle == Effect.Outline8) return 9;
            else if (mEffectStyle == Effect.ShadowAndOutline) return 9;	// Add
            return 1;

    public void Fill (List<Vector3> verts, List<Vector2> uvs, List<Color> cols, List<Vector3> symbolVerts, List<Vector2> symbolUVs, List<Color> symbolCols)
        // Apply an effect if one was requested
		if (effectStyle != Effect.None)
			int end = verts.Count;
			var symEnd = (symbolVerts != null) ? symbolVerts.Count : 0;

			pos.x = mEffectDistance.x;
			pos.y = mEffectDistance.y;

			ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, pos.x, -pos.y);
			if (symbolVerts != null) ApplyShadow(symbolVerts, symbolUVs, symbolCols, symOffset, symEnd, pos.x, -pos.y);

            #region Add ShadowAndOutline
            if (effectStyle == Effect.ShadowAndOutline)
                pos.y /= 2;
                pos.x = pos.y;

                offset = end;
                end = verts.Count;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -pos.x, pos.y);

                offset = end;
                end = verts.Count;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, pos.x, pos.y);

                offset = end;
                end = verts.Count;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -pos.x, -pos.y);

                offset = end;
                end = verts.Count;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -pos.x, 0);

                offset = end;
                end = verts.Count;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, pos.x, 0);

                offset = end;
                end = verts.Count;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, 0, pos.y);

                offset = end;
                end = verts.Count;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, 0, -pos.y);

            if ((effectStyle == Effect.Outline) || (effectStyle == Effect.Outline8))



[출처] https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/151329/all-sides-shadow-outline-in-unity-ngui


All sides shadow outline in Unity NGUI

How can I make such exactly the same shadow using NGUI?



Posted by blueasa
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