[빌드에러][Android] UnityException: Error mainTemplate.gradle file is using the old aaptOptions noCompress property definition which does not include types defined by unityStreamingAssets constant.
Unity3D/Android / 2022. 6. 28. 19:51
[링크] https://ajh322.tistory.com/298
유니티 빌드 에러 - mainTemplate.gradle file is using the old aaptOptions noCompress property definition which does not in
증상 유니티 버전을 2019대에서 2020대로 올리고 안드로이드 빌드를 하면 mainTemplate.gradle file is using the old aaptOptions noCompress property definition which does not include types defined by unit..
[링크2] https://codetime.tistory.com/279
[Error] mainTemplate.gradle file is using the old aaptOptions 처리
UnityException: Error mainTemplate.gradle file is using the old aaptOptions noCompress property definition which does not include types defined by unityStreamingAssets constant. ※ mainTemplate.grad..
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