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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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'import'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2021.06.28 [펌][Unity3d] Exclude files or folders from importing

Hidden Assets

During the import process, Unity ignores the following files and folders in the Assets folder (or a sub-folder within it):

  • Hidden folders.
  • Files and folders which start with ‘.’.
  • Files and folders which end with ‘~’.
  • Files and folders named cvs.
  • Files with the extension .tmp.

This prevents importing special and temporary files created by the operating system or other applications.


[출처] https://forum.unity.com/threads/exclude-files-or-folders-from-importing.48090/


Exclude files or folders from importing

Is there any way to exclude psd, jpg, max file (or whole folder) in Assets folder from being imported to Unity as texture or model? I keep my...



[참조] https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SpecialFolders.html?_gl=1*f8onwh*_ga*MTUzMjkzMTA0MC4xNjIyNzEzNDM4*_ga_1S78EFL1W5*MTYyNDg3MTc4MS41LjEuMTYyNDg3MjE4OC4xMA..&_ga=2.190280226.821848530.1624841162-1532931040.1622713438 


Unity - Manual: Special folder names

Reusing assets between projects How do you use documentation throughout your workflow? Share your experience with us by taking this survey. Special folder names You can usually choose any name you like for the folders you create to organise your Unity proj



Posted by blueasa
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