[SourceTree] Tag 이름과 Branch 이름이 같으면 Push 할 때 Error
Tag 이름과 Branch 이름이 같으면 Push 할 때 Error가 난다.
[결론] Tag와 Branch 이름은 같게 만들지 말자..
[참조] jira.atlassian.com/browse/SRCTREE-1474
[SRCTREE-1474] Pushing Branch With the Same Name as a Tag Fails - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products.
When a branch has the same name as a tag, it errors when pushing to origin. Steps to reproduce: Add a Git repository. Push to a remote. Create a branch (eg. stsp-420). Create a tag on master with the same name (eg. stsp-420). Push the created tag to the re
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