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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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ScriptableObject를 이용해서 Google Spreadsheet의 내용을 ScrptableObject에 serialize하는 방법이 아래에 소개되어 있습니다. 


새버전 링크 : https://github.com/kimsama/Unity-QuickSheet

엑셀과 유사한 구글의 스프레드시트를 Unity 클라이언트의 ScriptableObject 객체에 바로 연결, 저장하는 방법에 대한 내용입니다. 
클라이언트에 필요한 데이터를 엑셀처럼 구글 스프레이드시트에서 관리하고 변경사항이 생길 때마다 바로 Serialize해서 Unity 쪽의 scritableobject 데이터를 업데이트할 수 있습니다. 
- ScriptableObject는 바이너리 포맷이므로 다소 크기가 큰 데이터도 빠르게 읽는 것이 가능.
- 구글 스프레드시트를 이용하므로 복잡한 데이터라도 직관적이고 변경이 용이.
- 구글 스프레드시트를 이용하므로 데이터 변경의 이력 관리가 가능. 
- SQL 데이터베이스 사용시 SQL 구문에 대한 학습이 필요하지만 ScriptableObject의 동작 원리에 대한 이해 외에는 별도의 학습이 필요치 않음. 
- 구글 스프레드시트의 기획 데이터가 추가되거나  변경되는 경우에도 큰 어려움 없이 클라이언트 데이터의 업데이트가 가능. 

출처 : http://unitystudy.net/bbs/board.php?bo_table=tip&wr_id=101&page=0&sca=&sfl=&stx=&spt=0&page=0&cwin=#c_103

Posted by blueasa
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바케모노가타리 ED

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이름 : 진보라 (지성선데이) 
출생 : 1987년 1월 12일 
가족사항 : 부모님, 언니, 오빠, 동생 
학력 : 청담고등학교 
특기 : 미술, 노래 
수상경력 : 2001년 제1회 SM청소년 베스트 선발대회 노래짱 대상 
소속그룹 : 4인조 여성 그룹 천상지희

출처 : http://k.daum.net/qna/view.html?qid=0BM8k

Posted by blueasa
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유니티로 개발 하다보면 유니티 플레이에서는 문제가 없거나 잘되던것들이 실제 빌드 후에는 안되거나 다른 문제가 발생하는걸 경험 합니다. 유니티에서 제공해주는 로그 콘솔을 이용해서 볼수 있다면 그나마 좀더 빠른 수정이 가능하겠지만. 유니티에서 제공하는 로그콘솔은 오직 에디터로 플레이 할때만 볼수 있습니다. 
아래 공유해드리는 플러그인을 이용하면, 빌드가 완료된 프로그램을 네트워크로 접속하여, 로그를 쉽게 볼수 있습니다. 필요하신분은 가져다 쓰시길 바랍니다.


'Unity3D > Plugins' 카테고리의 다른 글

Log Viewer  (0) 2014.01.09
Mobile Movie Texture  (0) 2013.12.03
IronPython  (0) 2013.10.06
UniPython  (0) 2013.10.06
iOS 플러그인 제작  (0) 2013.09.15
Posted by blueasa
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Link : http://blog.bsidesoft.com/?p=237

Posted by blueasa
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Link : http://gamedev.tutsplus.com/tutorials/implementation/understanding-steering-behaviors-collision-avoidance/

Posted by blueasa
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I was working on a library in Unity that was using a lot of 3D text and therefore was requiring a lot of draw calls. This got me thinking, since all the pieces of text were on the same orientation plane would there be a way instead to draw all the text to a one texture and render that instead. Another benefit of doing this would be you could then apply text at runtime to a non-flat mesh via a texture. This would allow you to do cool things like personalizing a player’s jersey with the user’s name, localizing complex in-game advertisements, etc. So I decided to look into this. What started as a few experiments turned into not so small project.

Doing research I found a way of achieving this using Render Texture. What you could do was by using either with GUI text or 3D Text place a camera to capture a single frame and render it to a texture. While not completely straightforward or easy it does work and allows quite a bit of flexibility on what you are creating. This method does come with a drawback, it needs Render Texture support. Only Unity Pro supports Render Texture, plus they are not supported on the iPhone (Unity Feature Breakdown).

Since my goal was to create a library that all Unity developers could use, this was not an acceptable solution.

My next idea was to manually draw the text to a texture using SetPixels. While the performance of writing to a texture using SetPixels is less than ideal, I only needed to do this once.
Note: The reason why this is so slow is after calling setPixel(s) you have to call Apply which send the whole texture to the GPU. The Apply method is unfortunately very slow, but is “usable” if you are not needing to call it repeatedly.

I thought developing this using this method shouldn’t be too bad as I knew when you import a font into Unity, Unity automatically creates a texture containing the font. What I didn’t anticipate was that the letters were not in a grid format, but places tightly together. With no runtime access to letter position data, this was not going to work.

Next on my list was Custom Font, a feature where you can “easily” create your own font in Unity. With Custom Font you supply your own font image laid out in a grid. Using this method I could determine where the letters were positioned. I now needed a way create a font image in a grid pattern and get all the Per Character Kerning values from a font.

In digging through the internet I came across a few mentions of something called the Unity Font Mapper. It took me a very long time but I finally tracked down a link to the app: http://loewald.com/unity/unityfontmapper.zip. This Mac application not only generates the font image in a grid pattern, but generates a file containing the Per Character Kerning information.

Once I had a Custom Font working I then discovered there is no programming access to any of its properties (I still use Custom Font as part of my final solution in hopes at some point access will be opened up to those values). This means these values now needed to be entered twice if you want to use the same font for both a Text-to-Texture font and as a regular font.

I now had all the pieces and it was just a matter of putting it all together. While the current version of this code is far from perfect and is missing features like colored text it does exactly what I wanted it to do.

To check out the demo click here.

To get the source (unitypackage) click here.

To get only the TextToTexture class (TextToTexture.cs) click here.

Source Requirements: Unity 2.6

Setup Steps

  1. Create a font image in a grid pattern and collect kerning values (either manually or using the Unity Font Mapper)
  2. Import the font image(texture) into Unity and select ‘Build Alpha From Grayscale’ and set ‘Is Readable’ to true.
  3. Add this texture to a material
  4. Within Unity create a Custom Font. If you aren’t wanting to use this font for anything but Text-to-Texture you can just setup the basics and ignore the Per Character Kerning values within the Custom Font (these take a long time to enter)
  5. Create a script that calls TextToTexture and passes all the required information (example in source: AddTextToTexture.cs)

Note: I used a Decal material in this demo so the text would appear on top of the primary texture. But you can use any material that you wish.

출처 : http://blog.almostlogical.com/2010/08/20/adding-text-to-texture-at-runtime-in-unity3d-without-using-render-texture/

Posted by blueasa
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Unity3d Hotkeys

Unity3D/Tips / 2013. 11. 4. 10:43

- Default HotKey와 Custom Hotkey 추가 방법.


출처 : http://www.walkerboystudio.com/Review_Notes_Unity3d_Hotkeys.pdf


- Toggle Active GameObject in Hierarchy : Alt + Shift + A

출처 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNSZsMnhS1o


- Expand/Collapse All in Hierarchy : Alt + L-Button

Posted by blueasa
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링크 : http://www.slideshare.net/MrDustinLee/ss-27739454

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유세윤 - 까똑(카톡)(feat.임보람) 뮤직비디오

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