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Every unexpected event is a path to learning for you. blueasa


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Unity 3d에서 APK 파일 빌드 시 READ_PHONE_STATE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE 등의 퍼미션이 자동으로 추가되는 경우가 있습니다.

이 퍼미션 들을 제거하는 방법은 아래와 같이 Manifest 에 추가 하면 됩니다. 


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" tools:node="remove" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" tools:node="remove" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" tools:node="remove" />



[출처] fumika.tistory.com/108


Unity 3D READ_PHONE_STATE 권한 제거하기

Unity 3d에서 APK 파일 빌드 시 READ_PHONE_STATE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE 등의 퍼미션이 자동으로 추가되는 경우가 있습니다. 이 퍼미션 들을 제거하는 방법은 아래와 같이 Manifest 에..



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예전에 사놓은건데 Android/iOS app_name Localization(현지화)을 지원한다길래 써보니..편하다!!



[에셋스토어 링크] assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/localization/i2-localization-14884


I2 Localization | 다국어 지원 | Unity Asset Store

Get the I2 Localization package from Inter Illusion and speed up your game development process. Find this & other 다국어 지원 options on the Unity Asset Store.



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[참조] iOS Supported Language Codes (ISO-639)


iOS Supported Language Codes (ISO-639) | Babble-on

iOS Supported Language Codes (ISO-639) Bookmark Babble-on Did you know we have a free localization portal? Free pseudolocalization Free iOS/Android tutorials Free localization advice How do you name that .xliff or .lproj folder with your localization files



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[Android 앱 이름 로컬라이징] chameleonstudio.tistory.com/51


유니티 구글 앱 이름 변경 / 현지화

해당 티스토리 페이지는 필자가 유니티 C# 개발을 하면서 학습한 내용들을 기록하고 공유하는 페이지입니다 ! - 틀린 부분이 있거나, 수정된 부분이 있다면 댓글로 알려주세요 ! - 해당 내용을 공




[iOS 앱 이름 로컬라이징] chameleonstudio.tistory.com/52


iOS 앱 이름 변경 / 현지화

해당 티스토리 페이지는 필자가 유니티 C# 개발을 하면서 학습한 내용들을 기록하고 공유하는 페이지입니다 ! - 틀린 부분이 있거나, 수정된 부분이 있다면 댓글로 알려주세요 ! - 해당 내용을 공



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최근 일부 유니티 구버전으로 제작된 기존 게임의 경우, 안드로이드 11에서 크래시와 스크린키보드 이슈가 발생할 가능성을 확인했습니다.

이에 안정적인 유니티 기반 게임 개발 및 운영을 위해 버전 업그레이드를 권장드리며, 

Unity 2018.4.30f1, 2019.4.15f1, 2020.1.14f1, 2020.2.0b12, 2021.1.0a4 이상Advertisement 3.4.9 이상으로 진행해주시면 됩니다. 

각 이슈 관련 사항은 유니티 포럼을 통해 확인 부탁드리겠습니다.



[출처] 게임코디-즌성님



[참조1] Android 11 Il2Cpp Arm64 Crash in Unity LTS 2019.4.12f1


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So I had some spare time to study things I've always wanted to.

Left: Default shader // Right: Blur shader

All shader files (including the files with number suffix) must be downloaded together.
The numbers represent the clipping panel count when using Soft Clip on UIPanel components.
Refer to: http://www.tasharen.com/forum/index.php?topic=13985.0


Unlit - Transparent Colored Blur.shader
Unlit - Transparent Colored Blur 1.shader
Unlit - Transparent Colored Blur 2.shader
Unlit - Transparent Colored Blur 3.shader



You can customize the amount of blurring by editing the two fields below.
iterations variable represents the radius.
blurSize variable represents the scale (in UV coordinate) which the other pixel should be sampled from.
It should be possible to expose these fields so you can mess around with them through Materials or C# scripts.

half blurSize = 0.005; half iterations = 4;

Originally I wanted to implement a Gaussian Blur effect but it's quite complicated and expensive.
So it ended up in a sort of "hack" by blurring the pixels in horizontal and vertical axis only.
While it may look fine on low iteration count, it doesn't take the diagonal pixels in to calculation, making high radius blurs look unnatural.
I am planning to make another workaround for this issue some time.



[출처] m.blog.naver.com/reisenmoe/221268044207


[Unity, NGUI, Shader] Transparent Colored Blur shader

So I had some spare time to study things I've always wanted to.Note: All shader files (includin...



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iOS 빌드 실행 에러로 한동안 iOS 앱 업데이트를 못하고 있다가 에러를 해결하고 오랜만에 iOS 업데이트 신청을 했다. 앱에 큰 문제가 없어 바로 통과할 줄 알았는데 다음과 같은 이유로 거절당했다.

Guideline 4.8 - Design - Sign in with Apple

We noticed that your app uses a third-party login service but does not offer Sign in with Apple. Apps that use a third-party login service for account authentication must offer Sign in with Apple to users as an equivalent option.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise your app to offer Sign in with Apple as an equivalent login option.


  • Review the

sample code

on Apple Developer Support to learn more about implementing Sign in with Apple in your app.

  • Read the Sign in with Apple


to learn more about the benefits Sign in with Apple offers users and developers.

Please see attached screenshot for details.

이게 무엇인가 하고 찾아보니 2020년 4월 이후로는 다른 소셜 로그인을 제공하는데 애플 로그인을 같이 제공하지 않으면 기존 앱도 업데이트 거절 사유가 된다고 되어있다. 만약 다른 소셜 로그인을 제공하지 않는다면 애플 로그인이 필수는 아니다. 서비스 중인 앱에서 구글 로그인을 제공하고 있어서 애플 로그인을 적용해야 했다.

Apple로 로그인 버튼 추가

기존에 사용하던 버튼 디자인에 애플의 애플 로그인 디자인 가이드에 벗어나지 않도록 버튼을 추가하고 iOS 에서만 애플 로그인이 가능하도록 만들었다. 안드로이드에서 애플 로그인을 사용하려면 좀 더 복잡한 개발 과정을 거쳐야 하고 안드로이드에서 애플 로그인을 사용할 사용자를 고려하기엔 가성비가 좋지 않았다.

애플 로그인 플러그인

구글 로그인 플러그인 처럼 애플 로그인도 플러그인이 있을거라고 생각하고 여러 자료를 찾아보다가 한 블로그에서 좋은 플러그인 두 가지를 찾게 되었다.

Unity Technology에서 제공하는 SignInWithApple


GitHub에 오픈 소스로 올라와있는 apple-signin-unity


서비스에서 Firebase Auth를 사용하고 있기 때문에 Firebase Auth와의 사용법이 나와있는 GitHub 오픈 소스 플러그인을 사용하기로 했다.

apple-signin-unity 설치 및 세팅

플러그인 설치 방법은 GitHub에 여러가지 방법으로 자세하게 나와있다.


Apple로 로그인을 사용하려면 Apple Developer에서 Apple ID Configuration을 수정하거나 XCode에서 수동으로 설정할 수 있다.

XCode에서 수동으로 Sign in with Apple을 설정하는 방법


Firebase Auth와 연동하려면 Firebase Authentication의 Sign-in method에서 Apple을 사용 설정한다. iOS에서 사용하려면 추가적인 설정은 필요없다.

Apple로 로그인 구현

일단 간단하게 사용중인 페이지에 Apple로 로그인을 GitHub에서 설명하는 그대로 구현했다.


using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using Firebase.Auth; using AppleAuth; using AppleAuth.Native; using AppleAuth.Enums; using AppleAuth.Extensions; using System.Text; using System.Security.Cryptography; using AppleAuth.Interfaces; public class SignInView : MonoBehaviour { private IAppleAuthManager _appleAuthManager; public override void OnClose() { } public override void OnOpen() { #if UNITY_IOS // Apple로 로그인 켜기 if (AppleAuthManager.IsCurrentPlatformSupported) { var deserializer = new PayloadDeserializer(); _appleAuthManager = new AppleAuthManager(deserializer); } #else // Apple로 로그인 끄기 #endif } private void Update() { _appleAuthManager?.Update(); } private void OnClickSignInWithApple() { // 로더 켜기 var rawNonce = GenerateRandomString(32); var nonce = GenerateSHA256NonceFromRawNonce(rawNonce); var loginArgs = new AppleAuthLoginArgs(LoginOptions.IncludeEmail | LoginOptions.IncludeFullName, nonce); _appleAuthManager.LoginWithAppleId( loginArgs, async credential => { try { var appleIdCredential = credential as IAppleIDCredential; var identityToken = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(appleIdCredential.IdentityToken); var authorizationCode = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(appleIdCredential.AuthorizationCode); var firebaseCredential = OAuthProvider.GetCredential( "apple.com", identityToken, rawNonce, authorizationCode); // 파이어베이스와 계정 연동 await FirebaseManager.Instance.Auth.SignInWithCredentialAsync(firebaseCredential); // 처음 Apple로 로그인시 이름이 있으면 파이어베이스 유저 업데이트 if (appleIdCredential.FullName != null) { var userName = appleIdCredential.FullName.ToLocalizedString(); var profile = new UserProfile(); profile.DisplayName = userName; await FirebaseManager.Instance.Auth.CurrentUser.UpdateUserProfileAsync(profile); } } catch (AggregateException ex) { // 로그인 실패 토스트 메세지 } catch (Exception ex) { // 로그인 실패 토스트 메세지 } finally { // 로더 끄기 } }, error => { var authorizationErrorCode = error.GetAuthorizationErrorCode(); switch (authorizationErrorCode) { case AuthorizationErrorCode.Canceled: break; case AuthorizationErrorCode.Unknown: case AuthorizationErrorCode.InvalidResponse: case AuthorizationErrorCode.NotHandled: case AuthorizationErrorCode.Failed: // 로그인 실패 토스트 메세지 break; } // 로더 끄기 }); } private string GenerateRandomString(int length) { const string charset = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-._"; var cryptographicallySecureRandomNumberGenerator = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); var result = string.Empty; var remainingLength = length; var randomNumberHolder = new byte[1]; while (remainingLength > 0) { var randomNumbers = new List<int>(16); for (var randomNumberCount = 0; randomNumberCount < 16; randomNumberCount++) { cryptographicallySecureRandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(randomNumberHolder); randomNumbers.Add(randomNumberHolder[0]); } for (var randomNumberIndex = 0; randomNumberIndex < randomNumbers.Count; randomNumberIndex++) { if (remainingLength == 0) { break; } var randomNumber = randomNumbers[randomNumberIndex]; if (randomNumber < charset.Length) { result += charset[randomNumber]; remainingLength--; } } } return result; } private string GenerateSHA256NonceFromRawNonce(string rawNonce) { var sha = new SHA256Managed(); var utf8RawNonce = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rawNonce); var hash = sha.ComputeHash(utf8RawNonce); var result = string.Empty; for (var i = 0; i < hash.Length; i++) { result += hash[i].ToString("x2"); } return result; } }

위 코드는 사용중인 코드에서 Apple로 로그인 부분만 가져온 코드라서 그대로 사용하면 컴파일 에러가 발생할 수 있습니다.

추가 내용

플러그인을 사용하니 Apple로 로그인 구현은 생각보다 어렵지 않았다.
Quick login도 있었지만 테스트 과정에서 Quick login은 필요하지 않다고 판단해서 구현하지 않았다.
Apple로 로그인은 있지만 로그아웃은 개발자가 구현할 수 없었다. Apple ID 사용 중단은 유저가 설정에서 Apple ID를 사용하지 않을 앱을 정해 로그아웃해야한다.
그리고 유저의 FullName은 처음으로 Apple로 로그인 할 때에만 가져오고 나머지는 null 값을 가져온다.
만약에 유저가 이메일 숨기기를 통해 Apple로 로그인을 한다면 유저의 이메일은 <unique-alphanumeric-string>@privaterelay.appleid.com과 같은 형식을 따르게 된다.

참고 자료

Sign in with Apple | Tools | Unity Asset Store


Authenticate Using Apple and Unity | Firebase


[Unity] Apple Login과 Firebase 인증







Unity에서 Apple로 로그인 구현

플러그인을 사용해서 Unity에서 Apple로 로그인을 쉽게 구현해보고 Firebase Auth와 연동합니다.



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이번에는 HTTP 서버에 데이터 요청을 보내고 데이터를 얻어오기, 혹은 데이터를 보내는 방법입니다.


1. WWW 클래스로 구현(권장하지 않습니다.)

2-1. Get 방식

2-2. Post 방식

2. UnityWebRequest 클래스로 구현(권장)

2-1. Get 방식

2-2. Post 방식

3. 요약 및 정리

1. WWW 클래스로 구현

1-1 GET 방식

아래는 제가 작성한 간단한 GET 방식의 코드입니다.

GET 방식 테스트를 위해 이곳을 이용하겠습니다.



Neople Developers

## 참고 사항 >- 타임라인 코드 다중 입력 시 콤마(,)를 이용해서 구분 처리   ex) /timeline?code=101,102,103 - startDate, endDate 요청 변수 사용 예시   ex) /timeline?startDate=20180901T0000&endDate=20180930T2359           /timeline?startDate=2018-09-01 00:00&endDate=2018-09-30 23:59   ※ 기간 검색



APIKey는 로그인을 하시고 발급받으시면 보입니다.

응답 요청은 코루틴을 이용해서 보내도록 하겠습니다.

코루틴을 이용하는 이유는 응답을 보내고 오는 시간이 걸리기 때문입니다.

다른 곳에서 작성하시면 응답이 오기 전에 처리하게 되어 오류가 출력됩니다.

위에 코드는 예시 코드입니다.

홈페이지에서 발급받은 apikey를 저기에 입력하시면 됩니다.

url을 보시면 servers? apikey=하고 요청을 보내게 되는데

헤더 부분에 정보를 넣어서 보내는 곳이 저곳입니다.

코드에 주석을 넣었으니 읽으면서 확인해보세요.

코드를 실행해보시면 이렇게 응답이 옵니다.

1-2 POST 방식

위에는 POST 방식입니다.

POST 방식은 따로 동작을 처리해야 하기 때문에 개인적으로 만든 서버를 이용하여 설명하겠습니다.(저건 사설 ip 주소이기 때문에 똑같이 적으셔도 동작 안 합니다.)

(테스트해보고 싶으신 분들은 따로 서버를 만드셔서 실험해보세요)

POST 방식은? apikey= 이런 게 없습니다.

필드명에 apikey를 넣고 데이터를 넣으시면 됩니다.

필요한 내용은 주석 처리했습니다.

서버에서 로그인 정보가 맞으면 응답을 보냅니다.

2. unitywebrequest 클래스

이제 www 클래스는 Unity에서 사용을 권장하지 않습니다.

사용하시면 주의로 unitywebrequest를 사용하라고 나올 텐데요.

이것을 사용하는 방법을 알려드리겠습니다.

UnityEngine.Networking을 추가해줍니다.

2-1 GET 방식

아래는 WWW 클래스를 UnityWebRequest 클래스 방식으로 수정한 것입니다.

수정한 부분은 빨간 줄로 밑줄을 쳤습니다.

2-2 POST 방식

수정한 부분은 밑줄 쳤습니다.

3. 요약 및 정리

정리 : 통신방식에는 GET과 POST가 있다.

GET은 쉬우나 보안 취약, 용량 제한

POST는 어려우나 보안에 좋고, 용량 제한이 없다.

WWW 클래스는 이제 사용하지 않는다.

UnityWepRequest를 사용하자.(설명은 WWW 클래스에 적어놓았다.)



[출처] mungto.tistory.com/190


www 클래스, UnityWebRequest 클래스 사용하기(HTTP 서버에 데이터 가져오기, 보내기 등)

이번에는 HTTP 서버에 데이터 요청을 보내고 데이터를 얻어오기, 혹은 데이터를 보내는 방법입니다. 목차 1. WWW 클래스로 구현(권장하지 않습니다.) 2-1. Get 방식 2-2. Post 방식 2. UnityWebRequest 클래스



[참조] docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Networking.UnityWebRequest.Post.html

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[출처] www.raywenderlich.com/9671886-new-unity-input-system-getting-started


New Unity Input System: Getting Started

In this Unity Input System tutorial, you’ll learn how to convert player input in your existing projects from the old Input Manager to the new Input System.



In this Unity Input System tutorial, you’ll learn how to convert player input in your existing projects from the old Input Manager to the new Input System.



  • C# 7.3, Unity 2020.1, Unity

Handling input is a pillar of creating a successful game. Input devices help player characters perform actions inside the game such as walking, jumping and climbing.

Recently, many new platforms have come out, introducing more Unity input devices. These include touch screens, VR controllers and gamepads from different game consoles. If you want your game to support different platforms, you need to write code to handle the logic for different devices. The more platforms you support, the more complex your code will be.

Luckily, there’s a new Unity Input System that helps developers deal with this situation, making input-related code easier to manage.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn:

  • The features of the new Input System.
  • How the new system works.
  • How to migrate apps to the new Input System from the old Input Manager.

The materials for this tutorial were built in Unity version 2020.1. You can get this version of Unity from the Unity website or install it with the Unity Hub.

Note: Although this tutorial is for beginners, you’ll need to have some basic knowledge of Unity development and how to work with Unity Editor to complete it. If you’re new to Unity development, check out our tutorial on Getting Started In Unity.

Getting Started

First, download the starter project for this tutorial using the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this page. Unzip its contents and open NewUnityInputSystem-Starter in Unity.

After the project loads, you’ll see the RW folder in the Project Window:

Take a look at the organization of the folder:

  • Fonts: Fonts used in the scene.
  • Materials: Materials for the scene.
  • Models: 3D meshes for the player character and game environments.
  • Prefabs: Pre-built components composed of Scripts and Models.
  • Scenes: The game scene.
  • Scripts: Scripts with game logic.
  • Settings: The settings file, which is where you’ll put the input settings.
  • Shaders: Shaders for special effects like the player’s shadow.
  • Textures: The graphics used by Materials and UIs.

The starter project is a simple platformer game. You control the player character by moving around and jumping to collect coins.

The game is ready to play. Open GameScene from the Scenes folder and click Play to try the game for yourself!

Currently, the Move and Jump controls use the old Unity Input Manager. You’ll learn how to use the new Input System to replace the old system later in the tutorial.

What’s New in the Unity Input System

Before diving into the code, take a look at the new Input System’s features.

Simpler Action and Binding Architecture

The old input system checked input from different devices every frame to determine whether players took an action.

The following code, which supports both gamepads and keyboards, is an example of the old way of doing things:

bool isGamepad = Input.GetAxis("Gamepad Fire") != 0f; if (isGamepad) { return Input.GetAxis("Gamepad Fire") >= triggerAxisThreshold; } else { return Input.GetButton("Fire"); }

The code uses if-else branching to handle support for different devices and their associated actions.

The new Input System separates device input from code actions. That means you only have to handle the actions the players trigger. You don’t need to know which device the player is using or which button they’re clicking.

An input event in the new system is called an action, while the mapping between an action and an input device is a binding.

Gathering Information With the Input Debug Tool

The Input System provides you with a new tool called Input Debugger. Open it by selecting Window ▸ Analysis ▸ Input Debugger from the menu.

The Input Debugger helps developers by gathering the following information in one place:

The state of the Input System, including:

  • Device: Information about the connected devices.
  • Layout: Which controls those devices provide.
  • Setting: The configuration of the input system.

It also provides real-time information about a specific device. Open this by double-clicking the device from the device list in the Input Debugger window.

Here’s a demo of the Input Debugger in action:

Feel free to keep the Input Debugger open while you work through the tutorial.

Support for Multiple Devices and Platforms

With the increased flexibility from the Input System’s new architecture, Unity can support many different input devices, including:

  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Pen
  • TouchScreen
  • Sensor
  • Joystick
  • GamePad

Note: The Input System also supports devices that implement the USB HID specification. For more details, check out Unity’s Supported Devices Documentation.

Understanding the New Input System

The new Input System has four building blocks that funnel events from player devices to your game code:

  • Input Action Assets: A settings file that contains the properties of the actions and their associated bindings.
  • Actions: Actions define the logical meanings of the input. You can find that information in the Input Action Assets.
  • Bindings: Bindings describe the connection between an action and the input device controls. You’ll find this information in the Input Action Assets, too.
  • PlayerInput: PlayerInput is a script that manages and links action events to the corresponding code logic.

Sometimes it’s easier to understand a new workflow if you can visualize it, so take a look at the image below:

Break this down into its simplest steps:

  • First, the Unity Engine collects information from the connected devices and sends corresponding events, like a button click, to the Input System.
  • The Input System then translates those events into actions, based on the action and binding information stored in the Input Action Assets.
  • It then passes the actions to the PlayerInput script, which invokes the corresponding methods.

Now that you know a little more about how the Input System works, you’ll use it to control the game character in the coming sections.

Installing the New Input System

The first thing you’ll do is install the new Input System package. The standard Unity installation doesn’t include it.

Open Window ▸ Package Manager in the menu bar. Make sure that you select Unity Registry in the Packages dropdown, if you haven’t already.

Find Input System on the list. Select it and click Install.

Creating an Input Action Asset

Once you’ve installed the Input System package, you’ll create an Input Action Asset to store the settings for your actions and bindings.

Open the Project window and select Settings from RW. Right-click, select Create ▸ Input Actions and rename it to MyControl.

Setting up the Action Editor

Double-click MyControl in Settings to open the Action Editor, which helps you manipulate actions and control bindings.

Since this is a new window, take a look at the sections:

  1. Action Maps: Groups of actions that occur in the game. You can group actions for different purposes, like player, gameplay or UI.
  2. Actions: The list of actions and bindings associated with the selected Action Map. In this panel, you create, modify or delete actions and bindings.
  3. Properties: Edit the action or binding properties in this panel, such the type of action and the controls you associated with the binding.
  4. Save Assets: This is a very important function: You must click Save Asset after making any changes to the Input Action Asset. If you forget to save, the setting won’t work. Thus, you won’t see the expected result and may think there’s a bug in the code.

    You can switch on Auto Save to prevent the problem, but it’s quite slow.

Now you’re ready to create your first action, the Jump action.

Creating a Jump Action

First, open the Action Editor and click the + icon in the ActionMap to create a new Action Map. Rename it from the default, New Action Map, to Player.

Then, in the Action panel, double-click New Action and rename it to a meaningful name: Jump.

Finally, you need to add a binding to the Jump action. You’ll bind the Spacebar and Left Mouse Button to this action by following these steps:

  1. Select the Jump action, click the + icon and select Add Binding.
  2. Click the new binding item, <No binding>.
  3. Click the Path field in the Binding properties panel.
  4. Type Spacebar Keyboard and select Space [Keyboard] to create the binding for the Spacebar.
  5. Repeat steps 1–3 to create another binding for the Left Mouse Button.
  6. Type Left Button in the Path field and select Left Button [Mouse] to create the binding.

Congratulations, you’ve now associated the Jump action with the Spacebar on the keyboard and the left button on the mouse.

Now to hook up those actions with your code!

Implementing the Jump Logic

First of all, you need to remove the old input logic from the project. Open Player.cs and navigate to the Update() method.

void Update() { UpdateAnimation(); if (!jumping && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { HandleJump(); } }

As you can see, the current code triggers the animation updates, then it checks if the player has pressed the space bar in order to start a jump.

Now that the Jump action and its control bindings are ready, the next thing to do is link the action to the code.

Linking the Jump Action to the Code

Start by deleting the code in Update to remove the implementation of the old Input Manager so you can add Jump logic using the new Input System. Update will now only control the animations.

void Update() { UpdateAnimation(); }

Save the script and go back to the editor. Select the Player object in the Hierarchy and add a PlayerInput component from the Inspector.

Next, you’ll drag MyControl to PlayerInput’s Actions. Make sure to set the Default Map to Player.

Finally, open Player.cs and add a new method called OnJump() with the following code:

public void OnJump() { HandleJump(); }

You’ve associated this method with the Jump action by using this pattern to name it: public void On[Action Name Goes Here]().

For example, the Jump action invokes OnJump(), while the Attack action invokes OnAttack().

Click Save Asset in the Action Editor and run the game. Now you can use the SpaceBar or the left mouse button to make the player character jump. It’s really that easy!

Creating the Move Action

You’ve learned how to use the Input System to create a Jump action. Next up is the Move action! Move is similar to Jump, but it has a few key differences.

For example, the Jump action is a simple trigger event, while the Move action is an event that carries values: the movement direction, which comes from user input.

Again, you need to create the action and its binding. Start by going to Action Editor (double click MyControl if you lost the window) and click the + icon in the Actions panel to create a new action. Rename it to Move.

Next, open the Action properties panel, change Action Type to Value and Control Type to Vector 2.

Finally, remove <No Binding> by right-clicking and selecting Delete.

Now, you need to create the Move action’s bindings.

First, you’ll click the + icon in the header of the Move action. Then, select Add 2D Vector Composite, which will create four binding items corresponding to the up, down, left and right directions.

Now, you’ll set the path of each binding as follows:

  • Up: Up Arrow [Keyboard]
  • Down: Down Arrow [Keyboard]
  • Left: Left Arrow [Keyboard]
  • Right: Right Arrow [Keyboard]

Don’t forget to save the asset in the Action Editor!

Implementing the Move Logic

Before adding new movement logic, you need to remove the implementation of the old Unity input.

Open Player.cs and go to FixedUpdate():

private void FixedUpdate() { // 1 float speedX = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); // Left, Right float speedY = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); // Back, Forward moveVec = new Vector3(speedX, 0, speedY); if (jumping == false) { // 2 UpdateWhenGrounded(); } else { // 3 UpdateWhenJumping(); } }

Note that FixedUpdate() is called in every fixed frame-rate frame.

Now, break this down:

  1. Input.GetAxisRaw returns the value of Axis. Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") gives the value of the X-Axis, while Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical") gives the value of Y-Axis.

    These two values define the movement vector moveVec, which you use to control the direction of the player movement.

  2. The logic of the player character’s behavior while it’s on the ground.
  3. The logic of the player character’s behavior while it’s jumping.

Now, delete all the code prior to the if statement to remove the old input logic. Add the following code above the class definition:

using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

This allows you to access values from the new Input System.

Then, add OnMove(), which the Move action invokes.

public void OnMove(InputValue input) { Vector2 inputVec = input.Get<Vector2>(); moveVec = new Vector3(inputVec.x, 0, inputVec.y); }

When a player presses the Up, Down, Left or Right keys, it passes a Move action to this method, along with the values. Here’s how the key presses affect the values:

  • Up: (0, 1)
  • Down: (0, -1)
  • Left: (-1, 0)
  • Right: (1, 0)
  • No Key: (0, 0)
  • Up and Left: (1, -1)

InputValue is a new type you may not know. This class has a Get\() method that you can use to access its values. In this instance, you want the 2D Vector Composite you set in the binding to calculate the movement vector.

Click Play to test the logic.

Handling Actions

The new Input System provides four ways to handle action events.

In this tutorial, you used the SendMessages approach. You can change this option in the Behavior field in the PlayerInput component.

SendMessage and BroadcastMessage are the simplest ways to handle actions. When you use these two options, the system invokes the method with a name matching the name of the action.

For example, in this tutorial, the Jump action invokes OnJump() and the Move action invokes OnMove().

BroadcastMessage is similar to SendMessage, except it can invoke the methods on any child GameObject. These two options are easy to use because you don’t need to configure anything to use them.

Using Invoke Unity Events

When using Invoke Unity Events, you configure the action much as you’d configure a button click in Unity UI.

This approach is more flexible, letting you use different methods in different objects. Those GameObjects don’t even need to have the PlayerInput component.

Using Invoke C# Events

This approach is as flexible as Invoke Unity Events. You can define the methods you want to use instead of using methods with a specific name. However, if you use this approach, you need to write code to control which methods to invoke.

Here is a sample of how this looks:

private void Awake() { animator = GetComponentInChildren<Animator>(); rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); // 1 GetComponent<PlayerInput>().onActionTriggered += HandleAction; } private void HandleAction(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { // 2 if(context.action.name == "Jump") { HandleJump(); } }

Here’s what this code does:

  1. Gets the PlayerInput component and registers the method to onActionTriggered.
  2. Controls which method to call for different actions.

Using the Update Cycle of the New Input System

In the old Unity Input Manager, you checked the input in every frame using Update(). In the new Input System, you may wonder when actions are being sent, and if they’re sent before every Update().

The new Input System uses a different update cycle that’s independent of MonoBehaviour‘s lifecycle. You can read more about it in Unity’s Execution Order documentation.

The system offers three Update Modes to control the update cycle. You can configure them in Project Settings ▸ Input System Package ▸ Update Mode.

Take a look at each of these nodes:

  • Dynamic Update: Processes events at irregular intervals determined by the current frame rate. This is the default setting.
  • Fixed Update: Processes events at fixed-length intervals. Time.fixedDeltaTime determines the length of the interval.
  • Manually: Events aren’t processed automatically; you process them when you call InputSystem.Update(). If you want a check similar to the old system, you can call InputSystem.Update() in Update().

These new options, as part of the new Input System, give you a lot more control over input, whilst also making it easier to support multiple input devices :]

Where to Go from Here?

Download the completed project using the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial.

In this Unity Input tutorial, you’ve learned:

  • The basic layout of the new Input System.
  • How to use actions and bindings.
  • How to handle different kinds of player input efficiently.

To test your skill, try to add a Pause action to the game!

To learn more about the new Input System, you can read the Unity Input System manual.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial! If you have any questions or comments, please join the forum discussion below.

Posted by blueasa
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[링크] www.elopezr.com/photoshop-blend-modes-in-unity/


Photoshop Blend Modes Without Backbuffer Copy

[latexpage] For the past couple of weeks, I have been trying to replicate the Photoshop blend modes in Unity. It is no easy task; despite the advances of modern graphics hardware, the blend unit st…


Photoshop Blend Modes Without Backbuffer Copy


For the past couple of weeks, I have been trying to replicate the Photoshop blend modes in Unity. It is no easy task; despite the advances of modern graphics hardware, the blend unit still resists being programmable and will probably remain fixed for some time. Some OpenGL ES extensions implement this functionality, but most hardware and APIs don’t. So what options do we have?

1) Backbuffer copy

A common approach is to copy the entire backbuffer before doing the blending. This is what Unity does. After that it’s trivial to implement any blending you want in shader code. The obvious problem with this approach is that you need to do a full backbuffer copy before you do the blending operation. There are certainly some possible optimizations like only copying what you need to a smaller texture of some sort, but it gets complicated once you have many objects using blend modes. You can also do just a single backbuffer copy and re-use it, but then you can’t stack different blended objects on top of each other. In Unity, this is done via a GrabPass. It is the approach used by the Blend Modes plugin.

2) Leveraging the Blend Unit

Modern GPUs have a little unit at the end of the graphics pipeline called the Output Merger. It’s the hardware responsible for getting the output of a pixel shader and blending it with the backbuffer. It’s not programmable, as to do so has quite a lot of complications (you can read about it here) so current GPUs don’t have one.

The blend mode formulas were obtained here and here. Use it as reference to compare it with what I provide. There are many other sources. One thing I’ve noticed is that provided formulas often neglect to mention that Photoshop actually uses modified formulas and clamps quantities in a different manner, especially when dealing with alpha. Gimp does the same. This is my experience recreating the Photoshop blend modes exclusively using a combination of blend unit and shaders. The first few blend modes are simple, but as we progress we’ll have to resort to more and more tricks to get what we want.

Two caveats before we start. First off, Photoshop blend modes do their blending in sRGB space, which means if you do them in linear space they will look wrong. Generally this isn’t a problem, but due to the amount of trickery we’ll be doing for these blend modes, many of the values need to go beyond the 0 – 1 range, which means we need an HDR buffer to do the calculations. Unity can do this by setting the camera to be HDR in the camera settings, and also setting Gamma for the color space in the Player Settings. This is clearly undesirable if you do your lighting calculations in linear space. In a custom engine you would probably be able to set this up in a different manner (to allow for linear lighting).

If you want to try the code out while you read ahead, download it here.





A) Darken

Formula min(SrcColor, DstColor)
Shader Output color.rgb = lerp(float3(1, 1, 1), color.rgb, color.a);
Blend Unit Min(SrcColor · One, DstColor · One)


As alpha approaches 0, we need to tend the minimum value to DstColor, by forcing SrcColor to be the maximum possible color float3(1, 1, 1)


B) Multiply

Formula SrcColor · DstColor
Shader Output color.rgb = color.rgb * color.a;
Blend Unit SrcColor · DstColor + DstColor · OneMinusSrcAlpha



C) Color Burn

Formula 1 – (1 – DstColor) / SrcColor
Shader Output color.rgb = 1.0 - (1.0 / max(0.001, color.rgb * color.a + 1.0 - color.a)); // max to avoid infinity
Blend Unit SrcColor · One + DstColor · OneMinusSrcColor

Color Burn


D) Linear Burn

Formula SrcColor + DstColor – 1
Shader Output color.rgb = (color.rgb - 1.0) * color.a;
Blend Unit SrcColor · One + DstColor · One

Linear Burn


E) Lighten

Formula Max(SrcColor, DstColor)
Shader Output color.rgb = lerp(float3(0, 0, 0), color.rgb, color.a);
Blend Unit Max(SrcColor · One, DstColor · One)



F) Screen

Formula 1 – (1 – DstColor) · (1 – SrcColor) = Src + Dst – Src · Dst
Shader Output color.rgb = color.rgb * color.a;
Blend Unit SrcColor · One + DstColor · OneMinusSrcColor



G) Color Dodge

Formula DstColor / (1 – SrcColor)
Shader Output color.rgb = 1.0 / max(0.01, (1.0 - color.rgb * color.a));
Blend Unit SrcColor · DstColor + DstColor · Zero

Color Dodge

You can see discrepancies between the Photoshop and the Unity version in the alpha blending, especially at the edges.


H) Linear Dodge

Formula SrcColor + DstColor
Shader Output color.rgb = color.rgb;
Blend Unit SrcColor · SrcAlpha + DstColor · One

Linear Dodge

This one also exhibits color “bleeding” at the edges. To be honest I prefer the one to the right just because it looks more “alive” than the other one. Same goes for Color Dodge. However this limits the 1-to-1 mapping to Photoshop/Gimp.

All of the previous blend modes have simple formulas and one way or another they can be implemented via a few instructions and the correct blending mode. However, some blend modes have conditional behavior or complex expressions (complex relative to the blend unit) that need a bit of re-thinking. Most of the blend modes that follow needed a two-pass approach (using the Pass syntax in your shader). Two-pass shaders in Unity have a limitation in that the two passes aren’t guaranteed to render one after the other for a given material. These blend modes rely on the previous pass, so you’ll get weird artifacts. If you have two overlapping sprites (as in a 2D game, such as our use case) the sorting will be undefined. The workaround around this is to move the Order in Layer property to force them to sort properly.


I) Overlay

Formula 1 – (1 – 2 · (DstColor – 0.5)) · (1 – SrcColor), if DstColor > 0.5
2 · DstColor · SrcColor, if DstColor <= 0.5
Shader Pass 1 color.rgb *= color.a;
float3 A = (4.0 * color.rgb - 1.0) / (2.0 - 4.0 * color.rgb);
float3 B = (1.0 * color.a) / ((2.0 - 4.0 * color.rgb) * max(0.001, color.a));
color.rgb = A + B;
Blend Pass 1 SrcColor · DstColor + DstColor · DstColor
Shader Pass 2 color.rgb = (2.0 - 4.0 * color.rgb * color.a) max(0.001, color.a);
Blend Pass 2 SrcColor · DstColor + DstColor · Zero


How I ended up with Overlay requires an explanation. We take the original formula and approximate via a linear blend:

We simplify as much as we can and end up with this

The only way I found to get DstColor · DstColor is to isolate the term and do it in two passes, therefore we extract the same factor in both sides:

However this formula doesn’t take alpha into account. We still need to linearly interpolate this big formula with alpha, where an alpha of 0 should return Dst. Therefore

If we include the last term into the original formula, we can still do it in 2 passes. We need to be careful to clamp the alpha value with max(0.001, a) because we’re now potentially dividing by 0. The final formula is


J) Soft Light

Formula 1 – (1 – DstColor) · (1 – (SrcColor – 0.5)), if SrcColor > 0.5
DstColor · (SrcColor + 0.5), if SrcColor <= 0.5
Shader Pass 1

float3 A = 2.0 * color.rgb * color.a / (1.0 - 2.0 * color.rgb * color.a);
float3 B = (1.0 - color.a) / ((1.0 - 2.0 * color.rgb * color.a) * max(0.001, color.a));
color.rgb = A + B;

Blend Pass 1 SrcColor · DstColor + SrcColor · DstColor
Shader Pass 2 color.rgb = (1.0 - 2.0 * color.rgb * color.a) * max(0.001, color.a);
Blend Pass 2 SrcColor · DstColor + SrcColor * Zero

Soft Light

For the Soft Light we apply a very similar reasoning to Overlay, which in the end leads us to Pegtop’s formula. Both are different from Photoshop’s version in that they don’t have discontinuities. This one also has a darker fringe when alpha blending.


K) Hard Light

Formula 1 – (1 – DstColor) · (1 – 2 · (SrcColor – 0.5)), if SrcColor> 0.5
DstColor · (2 · SrcColor), if SrcColor <= 0.5
Shader Pass 1

float3 A (2.0 * color.rgb * color.rgb - color.rgb) * color.a;

float3 B max(0.001, (4.0 * color.rgb - 4.0 * color.rgb * color.rgb) * color.a + 1.0 - color.a);

color.rgb = A B;

Blend Pass 1 SrcColor · One + DstColor · One
Shader Pass 2 color.rgb = max(0.001, (4.0 * color.rgb - 4.0 * color.rgb * color.rgb) * color.a + 1.0 - color.a);
Blend Pass 2 SrcColor · DstColor + SrcColor * Zero

Hard Light

Hard Light has a very delicate hack that allows it to work and blend with alpha. In the first pass we divide by some magic number, only to multiply it back in the second pass! That’s because when alpha is 0 it needs to result in DstColor, but it was resulting in black.


L) Vivid Light

Formula 1 – (1 – DstColor) / (2 · (SrcColor – 0.5)), if SrcColor > 0.5
DstColor / (1 – 2 · SrcColor), if SrcColor <= 0.5
Shader Pass 1

color.rgb *= color.a;

color.rgb = color.rgb &gt;0.5 ? 1.0 / max(0.0001, 2.0 - 2.0 * color.rgb) : 1.0);

Blend Pass 1 SrcColor · DstColor + SrcColor · Zero
Shader Pass 2 color.rgb = color.rgb &lt; 0.5 ? (color.a - color.a / max(0.0001, 2.0 * color.rgb)) : 0.0;
Blend Pass 2 SrcColor · One + SrcColor · OneMinusSrcColor

Vivid Light


M) Linear Light

Formula DstColor + 2 · (SrcColor – 0.5), if SrcColor > 0.5
DstColor + 2 · SrcColor – 1, if SrcColor <= 0.5
Shader Output color.rgb = (2 * color.rgb - 1.0) * color.a;
Blend Unit  SrcColor · One + DstColor · One

Linear Light

[29/04/2019] Roman in the comments below reports that he couldn’t get Linear Light to work using the proposed method and found an alternative. His reasoning is that the output color becomes negative which gets clamped. I’m not sure what changed in Unity between when I did it and now but perhaps it relied on having an RGBA16F render target which may have changed since then to some other HDR format such as RG11B10F or RGB10A2 which do not support negative values. His alternative becomes (using RevSub as the blend op):

Formula DstColor + 2 · (SrcColor – 0.5), if SrcColor > 0.5
DstColor + 2 · SrcColor – 1, if SrcColor <= 0.5
Shader Output color.rgb = -(2 * color.rgb - 1.0) * color.a;
Blend Unit DstColor · One – SrcColor · One



Posted by blueasa
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